A Look at the Future of Breathalyzers: In-Car Breathalyzers and Marijuana Breathalyzers

A Look at the Future of Breathalyzers: In-Car Breathalyzers and Marijuana Breathalyzers

Today’s breathalyzers are far from 100% accurate. Will the future of breathalyzers be better adept at getting accurate results? Will future products be able to test for DUI of drugs? We have gathered information on some of the upcoming advancements. Remember that if you have been accused of a crime, you can count on Chambers Law Firm to help you. Just call us at 714-760-4088.

Marijuana Breathalyzers Are on the Way

As marijuana has been legalized in states across the nation, many companies are looking for ways to test for THC. Why? Because even though marijuana is legal, it is still illegal to be under the influence of drugs and drive – even if those drugs are legal. There are a number of companies who have developed these types of breathalyzers but they are so new to the market that their accuracy has not yet been proven.

That said, experts believe that the right breathalyzer could be more accurate than a blood or urine test, since both of those tests determine that THC is present but cannot determine how much or how long it has been there. In short, they often do not hold up in court because the driver can argue that they had smoked marijuana days before they were pulled over.

In-Vehicle Breathalyzers Are on the Way

Breathalyzers are going to be used more and more not just to test if a person has been drinking but to prevent them from doing so if they have been drinking. Of course, devices like this do already exist in Ignition Interlock Devices, which are often required of those arrested for and convicted of DUIs. However, some people in the industry believe that they may start being installed as a standard safety feature that prevents a vehicle from being driven by a drunk driver.

While this may sound frustrating to many people, it is important to keep it in perspective and remember that this can actually be helpful. Many DUIs are the result of a person believing they are okay to drive, only to then face significant fines and jail time for being wrong. Others are the result of a person being under the influence and having their decision making facilities impaired. If a vehicle does not allow you to drive it if you have been drinking, it could prevent you from making a huge mistake.

Talk to an Attorney if You Have Been Accused of Drinking While Driving

If you end up arrested under the suspicion of a DUI, the next step should be talking to a criminal defense attorney who can help you. Resist the urge to plead guilty without talking to an attorney – we may be able to have the charges dropped or significantly reduced. Call Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 to get started.

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