A Rancho Cucamonga Drug Defense Attorney Explains the Drug Court Option and Whether It’s the Right Choice for You

A Rancho Cucamonga Drug Defense Attorney Explains the Drug Court Option and Whether It's the Right Choice for YouLike alcoholism, drug addiction is commonly regarded as a disease. As a result, “drug courts” have been established in California. These are a different option than traditional courts, which allow nonviolent felons to enroll in drug treatment programs.

All criminal charges against a defendant in a drug court case may be dismissed if he or she successfully completes his or her treatment program. A Rancho Cucamonga drug defense attorney can help you figure out if you’re eligible for a drug court program.

Drug courts are available to persons who have been charged with personal use drug possession. If you have been charged with possession with intent to sell or other drug charges, you will not be eligible for drug court (such as manufacture). A drug defense lawyer can help you figure out if you’re eligible for drug court in California. Contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 to talk to an experienced Rancho Cucamonga drug defense attorney.

How does the program function?

Depending on your prior history and the nature of your current activity, you may be required to enter a guilty plea to the criminal charge before being admitted into the program. This is more likely if you have a criminal record, but not if you only have a history of drug use.

You will be placed on probation and will be compelled to undergo a drug treatment program as part of your probationary conditions if you are forced to plead guilty to the alleged felony. If you complete your program while on probation, your probation will be terminated.

More information about the therapy options

Depending on the court and county, several treatment options will be available. Certain courts will reinstate criminal charges if a person does not successfully finish the treatment program. In California, drug diversion programs mandate that people who finish them successfully will have their criminal charges dropped. The goal is to put in a lot of effort in order to stay on track with therapy and finish the program.

Is going to drug court the wisest choice?

Most defendants will agree that going to drug court and enrolling in a treatment program is a far better option than going to jail and having a drug possession charge on their record. Working with a Rancho Cucamonga drug defense attorney could help you get into a drug court or a drug diversion program in California. It will then be up to you to work tirelessly on your program so that you can reap the benefits of the second chance you’ve been given to restart your life.

At Chambers Law Firm, we defend people accused of a variety of drug offenses, and we routinely aid people who want to get help and turn their lives around through treatment programs. Call 714-760-4088 right now to learn more about how we can assist you and to schedule a free initial consultation with a respected Rancho Cucamonga drug defense attorney.

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