Do You Have Options to Fight Against Charges of Health Insurance Fraud? Of Course You Do

Do You Have Options to Fight Against Charges of Health Insurance Fraud? Of Course You Do If you are charged with any type of health insurance fraud, you might face substantial consequences regardless of the sort of accusation you’re facing, whether it’s a charge of cheating Medicare, Medicaid, Med-Cal, or even a private insurance provider.

This is not a matter you should manage without the assistance of a criminal defense attorney who has handled insurance fraud cases before. We will fight tooth and nail for the greatest possible result in your case. Continue reading to discover more about your case, and then call us at 714-760-4088 for a free consultation.

Health insurance fraud can in a variety of forms

Insurance fraud can in a variety of forms. Most people imagine someone pretending to be in pain or pretending to have a medical problem in order to earn benefits. However, the most common type of health insurance fraud involves healthcare professionals defrauding insurance companies. Fraudulent billing, for example, occurs when a provider bills an insurance company for equipment, services, or treatments that the patient did not obtain.

Another example is upcoding, when a person substitutes a billing code that was successfully applied with a more costly code. This might happen by chance every now and again, but if it happens frequently, it could be a symptom of medical billing fraud.

Unbundling is yet another example. In certain circumstances, bundling services is more cost effective. For example, rather than performing all of the tests at once, a patient may be asked to return many times. It would be deemed billing fraud to do this on purpose in order to increase the amount of insurance reimbursements available.

If you’ve been accused of billing or insurance fraud, you should contact us right away

We know what the prosecution will need to prove these charges, and we know how to appropriately reply to them. Of course, it depends on the facts of your case, but you may argue that there were flaws or contradictions, but they were unintentional.

We can claim that it was a mistake if you didn’t intend to deceive the insurance company. It is not a crime if there is no intent. In other cases, we may simply demonstrate that the evidence against you is insufficient to establish the prosecution’s accusations beyond a reasonable doubt.

When there is a lot of evidence against you, it may seem like it’s easier to just plead guilty without consulting a criminal defense attorney. This simply isn’t the case. We can actively bargain with the prosecution to get the charges dropped. We have a lot of experience coming up with creative sentencing that can considerably decrease the long-term consequences. In short, we can work together to find the greatest possible result for your case.

You do have alternatives, no matter how bad things are right now. Contacting Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 is the first step in understanding them. We’ll begin with a consultation in which we’ll discuss how we might assist you in moving forward.

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