Everything You Need to Know About Hit and Run Charges in Southern California

Everything You Need to Know About Hit and Run Charges in Southern California

You hit and damaged another automobile without stopping. You have been invited to the police station for questioning. What potential repercussions for hit-and-run may you expect? Hit and run is defined as getting into a car accident that results in property damage, injuries, or death, and then leave the site without pausing to provide information about yourself.

Keep reading to learn more about this crime. Then contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 to request a free legal consultation from an experienced criminal defense attorney.

You might be able to negotiate a civil agreement to avoid jail time

A judge or prosecution may dismiss a hit-and-run case if you negotiate a civil agreement. In a hit-and-run civil compromise, you essentially make up for any losses the victim endured as a result of the collision.

For instance, if you hit an automobile and caused property damage, you would compensate the owner of the car for the destroyed property. The judge or prosecutor agrees to drop your criminal charges in exchange. Keep in mind that civil compromises are often only viable in misdemeanor hit-and-run incidents. If you are accused of felony hit-and-run, they are often not offered.

You could face criminal charges

If you leave the scene of an accident, a prosecutor typically has the right to bring criminal charges against you. If this is the case and a hit-and-run conviction results, you will suffer legal repercussions. This could lead to fines and county jail time in a misdemeanor.

You can be charged with felony hit and run if you are involved in a car accident when someone dies or has significant injuries, and you leave the site of the accident. Felony hit-and-run offenses often carry the following penalties years in state jail and hefty fines (more severe than the punishment for a misdemeanor hit-and-run).

You could lose your license and have your auto insurance canceled after a hit and run

Most jurisdictions stipulate that if you are found guilty of hit-and-run, your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) may suspend or revoke your driver’s license. Usually, a suspension or revocation lasts for a year. You might be able to get a limited license if your license has been suspended or revoked.

If you are found guilty of hit-and-run, your vehicle insurance provider may decide to withdraw your coverage, depending on the specifics of your case. Please keep in mind that different insurance companies may have different cancellation policies. You should check your insurance if you hit someone and fled, or you should get legal counsel from a criminal defense lawyer or law firm.

You could face civil penalties

The victim of a hit-and-run accident may file a civil lawsuit against you. Even if you are found guilty of the crime and are subject to jail time, this is still true. Even if you are found criminally not guilty, you could still face civil penalties.

If the injured party prevails in the civil lawsuit, you might have to pay that individual for items like medical costs, lost pay, property damage, out-of-pocket costs, and discomfort.

Contact an attorney for help today

If you have been involved in a hit and run accident, it might feel like you are out of options. This is far from the truth. Contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 now to request a free legal consultation and discover what your options are.

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