Everything You Need to Know About Open Carry and Concealed Weapon Laws in California

Everything You Need to Know About Open Carry and Concealed Weapon Laws in California

Most citizens or legal residents of California who are at least 18 years old can own a handgun and keep it within their home, business, or private property. Outside of these places, it is not legal to openly carry a handgun, shotgun, or handgun (whether loaded or not) except for very specific exceptions. You can carry a concealed weapon if you have a license to carry one. Keep reading to learn more about California gun laws and then contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 if you have been charged with a gun-related offense.

There Are Certain People Who Cannot Legally Carry a Concealed in California

Anyone who wants to carry a concealed weapon in California can apply for a license to carry one. This license is known as a CCW. However, not everyone will be awarded the necessary license. They may be denied for one of two reason. First, that they lacked “good moral character.” This generally means that they have a criminal record. Second, that they cannot show that they had cause to carry a concealed weapon.

Situations in Which it is Not Legal to Carry a Gun

Even people who have concealed carry licenses cannot carry guns everywhere. For example, they cannot carry a gun in a school zone (except in specific situations), in a State capital, legislative hearing room, Governor’s office, polling place, while picking or protesting, or in a public transit facility. Your concealed carry license does allow you to carry a handgun into a public or government building, meeting, or property and land within the California State Parks systems.

Potential Penalties for Unlawfully Carrying a Gun

If you unlawfully openly car a handgun, you can face penalties up to and include a fine of $1,000 and a year in jail. If you are convicted of carrying a concealed firearm without a concealed carry license, you could face a fine of up to $1,000 and six months in jail. If you use a firearm in commission of a crime, this can be added a sentencing enhancement and result in years in prison.

A Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You Fight Gun-Related Charges

If you have been charged with or accused of any crime involving a gun, then your next call should be to a criminal defense attorney. To learn more about your options, contact Chambers Law Firm now at 714-760-4088. We are happy to provide a free legal consultation.

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