Facts Everyone Accused of a Sex Crime in California Should Know About the Charges Against Them

Facts Everyone Accused of a Sex Crime in California Should Know About the Charges Against Them

If you have been accused of a sex crime, then you need a criminal defense attorney experienced in sex crime defenses. Know that your attorney is going to ask you many questions about your side of the story. In order to get the best defense possible, it is important to answer all questions honestly. Do not hide anything from your criminal defense attorney.

At Chambers Law Firm, we encourage you to keep reading to discover some of the most important facts you should know if charged with these crimes. You can also contact us directly at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation.

These Crimes Are Often Difficult to Defend

The bad news is that it can be hard to gain traction with a defense against a sex crime. These cases often come down to one person’s story against another’s, and the jury often believes the alleged victim. It is also common for these charges to involve alcohol, which can make the alleged perpetrator’s memory less reliable. When the charge is against a child it can be even harder because children can be imaginative and will often answer questions in a way they think will make the adult asking them happy.

We Can Defend You Even if You Are Guilty

While it may be disheartening to know that the charges are difficult to fight, they are far from impossible to fight. Our strategy to defend you will depend on several factors but we want you to know that even if you are guilty, that does not mean you should plead guilty.

In fact, most attorneys are not concerned at all with their client’s guilt or innocence because it does not change their job – which is to defend their , in the best way possible. We strongly recommend you tell us the truth so that we can defend you properly. We never judge clients and always provide the best possible defense.

We Need to Know the Truth about Your Criminal History

Most people charged with a crime know that if they have any criminal history, it could result in more serious consequences. We often find that clients try to hide this history and hope it will not come up. Trust us, it will come up – and when it does, we will be much better suited to handle it if we have prior knowledge.

You Should Tell the Truth about Your Knowledge of the Alleged Victim

Once again, a person accused of a sex crime often knows that it will look worse for them if they know the victim than if they do not. They may believe that there is no one who can prove they know the victim at all, but in today’s day of camera phones, cameras on street corners – cameras everywhere – you can never count on the truth staying buried. Tell us the truth so we can ensure it does not harm you more than it needs to.

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