Five Steps You Should Take if You Have Been Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence

Five Steps You Should Take if You Have Been Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence

If you have been wrongfully accused of domestic abuse, there are five things you can do. While the events are still vivid in your mind, write them down. Get proof to back up your claims, update your login details, don’t break any protective or restraining orders, and speak with a criminal defense attorney.

Continue reading to learn more about these steps or jump to the most important step – talking to a domestic violence attorney – by calling Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088.

Most states’ domestic violence laws make it illegal to hurt (or threaten to hurt) a:

1. Document the facts of the case

A supposed “victim” may occasionally just make up bogus allegations out of the blue. If so, there isn’t really anything to record. Nonetheless, a person frequently makes false accusations of domestic abuse as a result of some incident or actions. If this applies to you, be sure to record what happened. Try to include as many details as you can.

A written account will aid in providing proof of what actually happened. Also, it can take a long time to conclude domestic violence cases. You can always refer back to your notes to tell a coherent tale about what happened. Avoid giving conflicting stories of what occurred to law enforcement or a district attorney.

2. Compile evidence

When confronted with bogus domestic violence accusations, you should acquire whatever proof that proves your innocence. For instance, you could attempt to obtain statements from witnesses who witnessed an occurrence, statements from those who are familiar with the “victim,” and statements from physical evidence that supports your case lack credibility. For example, if an accuser lies and says you ripped a piece of clothing, find and keep the item with no tear in it.

Also keep in mind that many people fabricate domestic abuse claims in an effort to gain advantage in a child custody dispute or custody battle. You should gather proof that you are a good parent if you think this is the case.

3. Change your login details

Change the login information for your social media, mobile, and email accounts. You never know how far an accuser would push the boundaries in a case of suspected domestic violence. For instance, if someone is fabricating an allegation of domestic assault, they might attempt to access your cell phone and send messages to themselves that read “You had it coming,” or “I didn’t want to push you, but you left me with no choice.”

Modify your login information so that an accuser cannot strengthen any untrue allegations.

4. Do not break a restraining order

In some states, a court may impose a no-contact or restraining order on the alleged perpetrator of domestic abuse. The order’s goal is to safeguard the purported “victim.” If you are the subject of a restraining order, you must take all reasonable steps to abide by it, including avoiding communication with the accuser.

5. Talk to a criminal defense attorney

It is crucial to speak with a criminal lawyer or domestic violence defense attorney if you or a member of your family has been wrongfully accused of domestic abuse. An attorney for domestic violence can help by making sure you comprehend all of the requirements of a restraining order, working with the prosecutor to get a case dismissed before charges are filed, and assisting you in gathering evidence to prove your innocence are just a few of the services we provide.

Contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation.

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