Have You Been Charged with Human Trafficking? There Are Defense Options and We Can Help

Have You Been Charged with Human Trafficking? There Are Defense Options and We Can Help

Sex trafficking and human trafficking have been in the headlines a lot recently. We think that everyone deserves an attorney who will be on their side from the beginning. We also believe that when an issue is in the news more frequently, prosecutors may charge more forcefully than they typically would.

As a result, we are concerned that people will be convicted of human or sex trafficking when they were actually doing a far less serious crime or none at all. Continue reading to find out what the state considers human trafficking, as well as some defensive alternatives for combating it. Then call 714-760-4088 to schedule a free legal consultation with Chambers Law Firm.

Human Trafficking: A Definition

Human trafficking is defined by the California Penal Code as depriving someone of their liberty with the intent of obtaining forced labor or other forced services from them, depriving someone of their liberty with the intent of breaking the law related to pimping and pandering, child pornography laws, extortion or blackmail laws, or convincing (or attempting to convince) a minor to engage in a commercial sex act with the intent of violating the above-mentioned laws.

The Consequences of a Human Trafficking Conviction

Californians Against Sexual Exploitation Act was enacted by voters in 2012. It significantly enhanced the punishment for anybody found guilty of human trafficking. It is always a felony in this state. If convicted of human trafficking for the purpose of obtaining forced labor, a person might face up to 12 years in state prison and fines of half a million dollars.

A person convicted of trafficking in order to conduct offenses involving commercial sex, child pornography, or extortion faces up to 20 years in jail, penalties of up to $500,000, and the necessity to register as a sex offender.

If a person uses force, fear, the threat of damage, or violence to convince or attempt to persuade a minor to engage in a commercial sex act, they might face up to life in jail. They might also face fines of up to $500,000 and be forced to register as a sexual offender.

Legal Defenses to Human Trafficking Charges

We may try to prove that you were wrongfully charged and were not involved in the claimed crime. We may be able to demonstrate that you did not deprive the claimed victim of their liberty or that you made a factual error and are not guilty of the crime. Of course, the best defense will be determined by the facts of your case.

Call Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation if you are ready to speak with a criminal defense attorney right now.

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