How Are Jury Instructions Used in a California Criminal Case?

These instructions guide the jury’s decision-making process.

How Are Jury Instructions Used in a California Criminal Case?

If you watch police or legal dramas, then you may be familiar with how a trial works. Each side, starting with the prosecutor, has an opportunity to make an opening statement, present witnesses and evidence, and then make a closing argument. Finally, the judge sends the jury off to deliberate. But what most media depictions of the criminal trial process miss are the jury instructions — a crucial element of any criminal trial.

As a criminal defense lawyer in Riverside, CA can explain, jury instructions provide guidance to the jury about the law that applies in the case. The judge typically gives these instructions to the jury before they deliberate. Though these instructions, the judge will state the issues in the case and define any terms that may not be familiar to the jury. The instructions will also outline the standard of proof, which is beyond a reasonable doubt in criminal cases. Finally, the judge will typically point out that the instructions contain the interpretations of the laws that govern the case, and state that the jurors are required to adhere to these laws.

Both your criminal defense lawyer in Riverside, CA and the prosecutor have an opportunity to submit proposed jury instructions in your case. The judge will then determine which jury instructions will be used. This may seem like a small matter, but it can be critical to how your case is decided.

For example, the prosecution may ask for jury instructions that do not require them to prove an essential element — such as that you acted willfully or intentionally. In this situation, if the jury follows the instructions, then you may be convicted of a crime — even if the prosecution did not actually prove every element of the crime!

Other jury instructions may be vital to your defense. For example, your criminal defense lawyer in Riverside, CA may propose a jury instruction on self-defense. The jury instruction for self-defense will outline the standard for the right to self-defense or defense of another person. These instructions will lay out what the jury can consider in reaching their decision. For example, a proposed jury instruction on self-defense may state that if the jury “…finds that the victim threatened or harmed the defendant in the past, you may consider that information in deciding whether the defendant’s conduct and beliefs were reasonable.” This type of instruction may give the jury a way of looking at the evidence that demonstrates that you are not guilty of a particular crime under California law.

One of the benefits of working with an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Riverside, CA is the they will understand how to best use jury instructions in criminal trials. Attorney Dan E. Chambers has worked as a prosecutor — and now exclusively represents defendants in criminal cases. He uses his knowledge of jury instructions from both perspectives to effectively defend his clients in criminal trials.

If you have been charged with a crime, the Chambers Law Firm will aggressively defend you against the charges. Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or to schedule a free initial consultation.

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