How Important is it to Hire an Experienced Criminal Attorney in Los Angeles CA?

How Important is it to Hire an Experienced Criminal Attorney in Los Angeles CA?

What is the most important thing to consider when hiring a criminal attorney in Los Angeles CA? While there are a number of things to take into consideration, experience may be the most important. Read on to discover why experience is stressed so strongly. Then contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free case evaluation with an experienced attorney.

An Inexperienced Criminal Attorney in Los Angeles CA Will Not Know the Law

Doesn’t every attorney have to learn the law in order to pass the bar? Yes. That said, this does not mean they know how the law is applied, which defense options are more or less likely to work, or where to go to find the latest information on the particular charge you are facing. An experienced attorney will have handled cases similar to yours and be able to use that experience to your advantage.

An Inexperienced Criminal Attorney in Los Angeles CA Will Not Know How to Negotiate

While TV shows about courtrooms focus on dramatic trials, the truth is that most cases are decided out of a courtroom. It may be that the best way to handle your case is to take it to court – and we are happy to do that. That said, if a plea bargain is your best option then you need an experienced attorney to get you the best possible deal.

With our many years of experience, we know what makes a good and a bad plea bargain. We know what type of mitigating factors can be stressed to get the charges reduced or dropped altogether. A new attorney will not have this knowledge.

An Inexperienced Attorney May Not Have the Right Resources or Relationships

The truth is that your criminal attorney in Los Angeles CA will be there for you every step of the way but they are only part of what their firm can offer. You are looking for an attorney who has both the resources and relationships to help you through your entire case.

For example, if you need an expert witness to show that you could not have committed the crime, or if there are tests that can be done to showcase evidence for your case, then you need an attorney who has the access and ability to do this.

Call an Experienced Criminal Attorney in Los Angeles CA

It is easy to get in touch with an attorney who can truly help you – just call Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088. With our many years of experience, we know how to get your case moving in the right direction. Our first consultation is free so call today and find out how we can help you.

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