It is illegal to smuggle drugs across the U.S. border – this fact is not news to anyone. However, many people do not realize the ins and outs of the laws affecting drug smuggling and drug trafficking. Keep reading to get an idea of what state and federal laws have to say about this situation. Then contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation if you have been arrested for or accused of any type of drug crime.
The Laws Pertaining to Drug Smuggling
Federal law holds that if a person knowingly, willingly smuggles anything into the country that they should have been billed for, or that was illegal, they can be prosecuted and sent to federal prison for up to 20 years. All the prosecution has to prove is that the person was in actual possession of the items when they were arrested.
Note that the law described above refers to anything that is being smuggled in. When the good being smuggled in are drugs, there are often additional charges in play. This can include issues like drug possession, possession of drugs with the intent to sell, or being under the influence of an illegal drug. It is also important to know that if a person is smuggling something across the border that is not drugs, but they are found to have paraphernalia on them, they can be charged with drug possession – even absent any actual drugs.
Potential Penalties for Smuggling Drugs Across the Border
Smuggling is a federal crime, which means that there are a number of federal agencies that may get involved when this charge is pressed. This can include the Coast Guard, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Customs, and Border Control.
The total sentence for a person convicted of smuggling generally ranges between 26 and 43 years in federal prison. As a result, it is often the case that a person who is arrested for and found guilty of smuggling drugs into the United States will spend the rest of their life in prison. This is especially true if the person arrested has a criminal history, and the higher the amount of drugs involved, the more likely a longer sentence is.
Let Us Help You with These and Other Related Charges
It is almost always the case that a person charged with drug smuggling will be facing additional charges. At Chambers Law Firm we can help with a wide range of criminal charges from violent crimes to white collar crimes. If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime in the state of California, or federal court, then you should contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.
That attorney can be found by contacting Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088. We are standing by offer a free legal consultation so that you can fully understand the options available to you.