Proposition 47: Top 6 People who are Actively Promoting Prison Reform in California

Proposition 47: Top 6 People who are Actively Promoting Prison Reform in California Proposition 47 passed in California last month. Now those who commit various nonviolent offenses such as drug possession, shoplifting, and writing bad checks (when the amount is less than $950) won’t be convicted on felony charges. Instead, they’ll be charged with misdemeanors, greatly reducing prison sentences and fines. The money freed up from this proposition will instead go to mental health and drug treatment, victim support, and prevention of school truancy and dropouts.

With the passage of Proposition 47 comes the realization that California is one of the states that’s leading the charge against mass incarceration. Rehabilitation, drug and alcohol abuse treatment, and victim services are becoming the new focus of Californians who want to help those who have been imprisoned go on to live healthy, happy, productive lives. Here are the top 6 individuals who are actively promoting prison reform in California by supporting Proposition 47 and other initiatives. Some have donated millions of dollars to promote its passage, others use social media to sway voters, but they’ve all been major players in the effort to pass Proposition 47.

  1. Open Society Policy Center, run by billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros
  2. Public Storage, whose founder is conservative Christian Republican B. Wayne Hughes Jr.
  3. Newt Gingrich–47-criminal-justice-20140917-story.html
  4. Policeman widow Dionne Wilson
  5. Rapper and unexpected social activist Jay-Z
  6. R&B singer and philanthropist John Legend, who wrote a special op-ed for the Huffington Post calling for less prisons and more schools:

What do you think of Proposition 47? Are you or do you know anyone who is being affected by its passage last month? If you have a past or current court case that relates to Proposition 47, you need a lawyer who will fight to defend you. Call or message Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm to set up a complimentary consultation. When your freedom and financial security are at stake, it only makes sense to work with the best lawyer in California—Dan Chambers.

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