Drug Crime Lawyer in Adelanto CA

Super Lawyer Of The Year

California's Top Rated

Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Settle for Nothing Less Than the Best Drug Crime Lawyer in Adelanto CA

There are many factors you will need to consider as you looking for the right drug crime lawyer in Adelanto CA but one thing is certain: You need the best of the best. You will find that in Chambers Law Firm. Keep reading to find out how we can help with your drug-related charges and then call our offices at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation.

A Drug Crime Lawyer in Adelanto CA Who Can Help with All Types of Drug Charges

It is essential that the drug crime lawyer you choose can help with any type of drug related charges. Though you may facing nothing more than a possession charge today, the prosecution could add additional charges before the trial begins. Do not hire a drug crime lawyer in Adelanto CA who only has experience with low-charges – the last thing you want is to discover mid-case that your lawyer is not up for the challenge. At Chambers Law Firm we have worked on a wide range of drug-related cases including:

  • The Sale and/or Transportation of Drugs. If a situation appears that a person was going to sell drugs in their possession, then they could face serious consequences.
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. A needle or pipe can result in criminal charges if there is evidence that it was used for drug purposes.
  • DUI of Drugs. There is currently no test officers can administer to show if an individual is under the influence of drugs while driving. As a result, nearly the entire case depends on the Drug Recognition Expert. We know how to find the weaknesses in their testimony.
  • Manufacturing of drugs. This drug charge comes with the harshest possible sentence of all California drug offenses.
  • Drug possession. This includes drugs such as cocaine and heroin as well as prescription drugs if you do not have a valid prescription.
  • Prescription Fraud. When a person obtains a prescription they do not need, or gets several prescriptions from several doctors, they could end up facing not only possession charges but charges of prescription fraud.

No matter what they are, if you are facing drug charges then you should contact a drug crime lawyer in Adelanto CA.

There Are Many Defense Options Including Having Evidence Disqualified

When you hire Chambers Law Firm as your drug crime lawyer in Adelanto CA, we will carefully consider all possible defense options. In many cases, we can have evidence excluded, which can lead to the case being dismissed or dropped. We will look to ensure that the police:

  • Had reasonable cause to stop you
  • Had valid search warrants
  • Followed all search and seizure laws as required by state and federal law
  • Only worked with reliable informants
  • Did not entrap you
  • Mirandized you before questioning you

These are just a few of the ways we may be able to defend you. To learn more about your options,Call us at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation.


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