Three Strikes Defense Lawyer in Adelanto CA

Is This Your 3rd Strike?

Have You Been Charged With A
Serious Felony?

Do You Face A Potential Life Sentence?

Call Today For A Free Consultation

Do Not Give Up – Talk to a Three Strikes Defense Attorney in Adelanto CA

If you have been accused of a crime that involves the Three Strikes Law, do not give up – contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088. These laws are intended to keep repeat criminal offenders behind bars but there are options that can help you get through this with lower penalties. Read on to learn how you can fight charges with the help of a three strikes defense lawyer in Adelanto CA.

The Penalties Can Be Harsh – So You Must Fight Back

It is true that if you are convicted of a third strike, the penalty can be very harsh. This is exactly why you must contact a three strikes defense lawyer in Adelanto CA who will be on your side. When you work with Chambers Law Firm you will be working with an experienced defense attorney who understands three strikes offenses and the charges that count. He can help you find the best possible defense both to the charge you are facing and the potential sentencing enhancements that come with a Three Strikes conviction.

The Third Crime in a Three Strikes Case Must Be Considered “Serious” or “Violent”

In order for the Third Strikes penalties to apply to a third strike, it must be a felony and the court must consider it “serious” or “violent. Some examples of Third Strike offenses that would count as a Third Strike include murder, child molestation, rape, robbery, kidnapping, certain types of assault, possession of drugs with intention to distribute, felonies in which you use a firearm, or a sexual violent crime.

We Can Work to Beat the Third Strike Charge

There are a few ways in which we can work to help you when facing a third strike, including showing that there is not enough evidence to convict you of the charges you are facing. If you are not convicted of the crime then it cannot count as a Third Strike. This is the best possible outcome you three strikes defense lawyer in Adelanto CA can work for because it results in no penalties.

We Can Work to Have the Charged Reduced

If there is too much evidence to beat the third strike then we may work to have it reduced. This may require you to plead guilty to a lesser charge, but if we can get it reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor then you will not face Third Strike penalties.

We Can Work to Strike a Past Strike

We can use a Romero Motion to request that a judge dismiss a past strike conviction. The judge will then consider how serious that charge was, how serious the current charge is, and other information about you and your criminal history. If your three strikes defense lawyer in Adelanto CA can convince the judge that it would not do you justice to be convicted of a third strike, this may work.

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