Get an internet crime attorney in Anaheim CA who will fight for you by hiring Dan E. Chambers.
The average American spends 66 hours each month using a computer. About 50 percent of us use the internet for banking or finance, and about 58 percent shop online at least occasionally. All these activities put sensitive information like SSNs, credit card numbers, and bank account numbers out there in cyberspace where they become tempting targets for fraud or theft. Both state and federal governments have enacted laws to place real-world consequences on individuals who commit cyberspace crimes.
If you are accused of any kind of cybercrime, an internet crime attorney in Anaheim CA can help. Chambers Law Firm can provide valuable counsel whether you have already been arrested or are merely a person of interest in a case.
Help for All Kinds of Internet Crimes
Many different types of criminal activity can fall under the umbrella of internet crime, so long as it took place online or via email. As your internet crime attorney in Anaheim CA, Dan E. Chambers can defense against all different types of cybercrimes including:
- Internet Fraud
- Cyberstalking
- Hacking
- Identity Theft
- Phishing
- Data Theft
- Online distribution of child pornography
What You Need to Know About Your Internet Crime Attorney in Anaheim CA
When it comes to hiring an internet crime attorney in Anaheim CA, you may have plenty of choices. But how do you know which attorney is best? You will definitely want to make sure you get detailed information on these four key points from your internet crime attorney in Anaheim CA before hiring them:
Background: The first thing you need to verify is that your prospective attorney is in good standing with the local Bar Association and has a strong background in the type of law you need help with. Dan E. Chambers meets both requirements. He has been practicing law for over 20 years and has a detailed understanding of both state and federal laws that apply to internet crimes.
Reputation: Any attorney can promise results, but if an internet crime attorney in Anaheim CA has great client reviews, you know they can actually deliver on their promises. Dan E. Chambers has a perfect 10.0 rating on Avvo and has won multiple Avvo Clients’ Choice Awards.
Availability: You should also be careful to check that the attorney you want to hire will have time to give your case the personalized attention it deserves, not hand off most of the work to a junior attorney or paralegal. When Dan takes your case, this signals his commitment to seeing it through personally. He will make all court appearances himself and he is always available to clients on his cell phone.
Cost: Of course, you will want to know what this expert representation is going to cost you. At Chambers Law Firm, we have a very sincere dedication to helping defendants secure the best possible outcomes in their cases so they can successfully move forward with their lives. You don’t have to be afraid of costs here because we will work with you to limit billable hours or set up a payment plan so that you can afford the representation you need.
Call 714-760-4088 Now for a Free Initial Consultation with Dan!