Look No Further: You Have Found the Best Three Strikes Defense Lawyer in Barstow CA
There may be nothing more terrifying than facing a criminal charge that could result in a three strikes sentencing enhancement. These laws can lead people to spend decades more in prison than their charge would suggestion. The good news is that you do have help: By finding Chambers Law Firm you have found a three strikes defense lawyer in Barstow CA who is ready to help you.
Some Felonies Do Not Trigger Third-Strike Penalties
It is important to know that just because you are facing a felony does not mean that you are automatically going to face third-strike penalties. The felony must be considered by the court to be serious and/or violent. For example, if you are facing murder, rape, child molestation, or kidnapping charges, you would like be facing third-strike penalties. Your three strikes defense lawyer in Barstow CA can help you understand your rights and your options.
Do Not Accept a Third Strike Conviction without Fighting Back
If you are convicted of a third strike, you could face many more years – even decades – in prison than you would otherwise have faced. We do not want to see you pay again for a crime you were already convicted of and penalized for – we will fight for you to not have to deal with any of the sentencing enhancements that come with a Third Strike.
We Will Work for a Not Guilty Verdict or to Have the Charges Dropped
We will always start by looking at the first and best option: Having your charges dropped or getting a not guilty verdict at trial. This is the best option because it means you will not have any penalties to face. However, if there is a wealth of evidence then your three strikes defense lawyer in Barstow CA may suggest a different option.
We Can Work to Have the Charged Reduced
If there is too much evidence to beat the third strike then we may work to have it reduced. This may require you to plead guilty to a lesser charge, but if we can get it reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor then you will not face Third Strike penalties.
It May Be Possible to Have a Previous Strike Reclassified
If there is no way around pleading guilty to a strikable offense, there is still one last solution your threes trikes lawyer in Barstow CA may be able to help you with: A Romero Motion. If granted, this requalifies a previous strike as a non-strikable offense. The person would still face sentencing enhancements for it being a second strike but would not be facing a third strike.