Hire an aggressive murder defense lawyer in Beverly Hills CA early to protect your rights and your future.
Have you been accused of murder? Needless to say, this is an extremely serious situation and it may leave you virtually paralyzed with indecision as to how to proceed. But in reality, your course of action is simple:
Hire a murder defense lawyer in Beverly Hills CA immediately.
Asking for an attorney the moment you are questioned by police doesn’t make you look guilty like many people mistakenly believe. It just makes you look smart. Hiring an attorney protects you from making any mistakes in your interactions with police that could harm your case.
3 Vital Ways Your Attorney Can Help
Protecting your rights: Hiring a murder defense lawyer in Beverly Hills CA is the best way to ensure police treat you fairly. Dan can be present during questioning to guard against police intimidation and he can also make sure any warrants are obtained and executed properly.
Investigating the case: Your defense attorney and his team will dedicate considerable effort to investigating the facts of your case. This includes reviewing the prosecution’s evidence and looking for ways to disprove or undermine this evidence.
Securing a fair outcome: Because Dan truly cares about your future, he will work hard to secure the best possible outcome to your case, using any and all strategies at his disposal. Dan has ample litigation experience, but his preference is actually to get the charges dropped or dismissed so that you do not have to go through a long, stressful trial. If the evidence does not allow for this, Dan can argue persuasively for a fair plea deal.
Your Choice of Murder Defense Lawyer in Beverly Hills CA Matters
Of course, any representation is better than no representation. However, not all defense attorneys are created equal. For a serious charge like murder, you don’t want to just pick a murder defense lawyer in Beverly Hills CA at random.
Instead, you will want to select an attorney with a proven track record of success like Dan E. Chambers. You can rely on Dan to be honest and ethical in all his dealings. He will never fill you with false hope but instead will help you understand what real, achievable options you may have in your case. He will fight for you personally until your case is resolved.
Start Building Your Defense Today
Remember, the sooner you hire a murder defense lawyer in Beverly Hills CA, the more protected you will be during the investigation and prosecution and the better your chance of a successful outcome to the case. It all starts with a free initial consultation with Dan. Call 714-760-4088 now to schedule yours.