You’re Not Alone: Learn How a Three Strikes Defense Lawyer in Brea CA Can Help
When a person faces a Third Strike and they know the significant penalties they could be facing, they may feel tempted to simply give up. They may decide to just plead guilty and give in to the charges they are facing. At Chambers Law Firm we want everyone in this position to know one thing: There are options and a three strikes defense lawyer in Brea CA can help.
The Sentencing Enhancements that Accompany a Third Strike Should Be Taken Seriously
If a person is convicted of a Third Strike, they could face decades more in prison than if they had no criminal past. While we understand the reasoning behind the Three Strikes law, the truth is that it allows a judge to re-punish a person for past crimes they have likely paid their debt for. These are very serious charges and require the help of an experienced third strikes defense lawyer in Brea CA.
Do Not Panic: Your Current Charge May Not Trigger a Third-Strike Penalty
If you are facing a felony this does not mean you are necessarily in danger of third-strike penalties. Why? Because not all charges are eligible – it must be a “serious” and/or “violent” offense according to the judge. This would include things like murder, rape, kidnapping, certain drug charges, and child molestation. If the charge you are facing is not violent or serious then your three strikes defense lawyer in Brea CA can argue against you being affected by the third-strike penalties.
The Best Option is to Have You Found Not Guilty of the Third Strike Offense
The best possible option for you to move forward is to have the charges for the Third Strike dropped or for you to be found not guilty. This results in no penalties. However, if there is evidence against you this can be a tricky option. Your three strikes defense lawyer in Brea CA can help you determine the best option for your needs.
Your Charges Could Be Reduced
If you know there is a wealth of evidence against you and you are likely to be convicted, then you still have options. One is to have your three strikes defense lawyer in Brea CA negotiate with the District Attorney to have your charge reduced. This involves the D.A. reducing your charges to a non-strike offense in exchange for your guilty plea.
We Can Work to Strike a Past Strike
We can use a Romero Motion to request that a judge dismiss a past strike conviction. The judge will then consider how serious that charge was, how serious the current charge is, and other information about you and your criminal history. If your three strikes defense lawyer in Brea CA can convince the judge that it would not do you justice to be convicted of a third strike, this may work.