Choose and execute an effective defense strategy with help from your internet crime lawyer in Buena Park CA.
Public defenders are already stretched so thin they have trouble with even the most routine cases. How do you think they will fare when faced with a complicated internet crime case? Don’t rely on an overworked public defender–get a specialized internet crime lawyer in Buena Park CA like Chambers Law Firm on your case. Dan’s many years of experience in criminal law encompass work as both a prosecutor and a defense attorney, so he can see the evidence in your case from both sides. Using his in-depth knowledge of law and precedent on internet crimes, he can quickly zero in on an appropriate strategy that will undermine the prosecution while strengthening your position in order to secure the most positive outcome possible.
Dan E. Chambers represents clients accused of:
- Internet Fraud
- Cyberstalking
- Hacking
- Identity Theft
- Phishing
- Data Theft
- Online distribution of child pornography
- And more
Securing the Best Possible Outcome in Your Case
Obviously different types of internet crimes require different defense strategies, depending on the details of the statute and the specific evidence in your case. However, though the details of the strategy may vary, your internet crime lawyer in Buena Park CA really only has 3 options to choose from:
- Getting Charges Dropped: In cases where you have strong evidence of your innocence, or evidence that police collected evidence illegally, your attorney may be able to get the charges dropped before trial.
- Plea Deal: Another option to consider is a plea deal. This should be considered in cases where the evidence against you is strong enough that a conviction is likely. A plea can save you the time and stress of a trial and also result in a shorter sentence or lesser charge.
- Trial: Of course going to trial to defend yourself against the charges is always an option. Because Dan E. Chambers has ample courtroom experience and expert investigative skills, he can build you a strong legal defense in this situation as your internet crime lawyer in Buena Park CA.
Reach Your Internet Crime Lawyer in Buena Park CA When You Need Him
While other law firms may make you go through layers of secretaries and paralegals to reach your internet crime lawyer in Buena Park CA, we provide every client with Dan’s personal cell phone number so you can reach him directly for answers to any questions you may have.
Start Building Your Defense Now
Whether you are facing charges for violation of a state statute or a federal one, Dan E. Chambers has the skills and experience needed to help. To get started, all you have to do is call 714-760-4088 and request a free initial consultation with your future internet crime lawyer in Buena Park CA.