Get a top-quality defense from an expert marijuana charge attorney in Buena Park CA.
Although many people advocate for marijuana to be treated the same as alcohol under the law, the fact is that marijuana is still considered a controlled substance and regulated as such in California. If you have gotten into trouble with the law over an alleged incident involving marijuana, you can call on experienced Buena Park CA marijuana charge attorney Dan E. Chambers to defend you. Dan has the skills and experience required to work on all kinds of cases, including ones involving:
- Possession
- Possession for Sale
- Use
- Sale & Transport
- Cultivation
- Manufacture of Hashish or Concentrated Cannabis
- DUI of Marijuana
Charges involving marijuana often come in pairs or groups, such as a charge for DUI of drugs and possession. Dan can handle the extra complications this poses. As a highly skilled marijuana charge attorney in Buena Park CA, Dan excels in ferreting out evidence to defend against all kinds of charges.
Charges Related to Medical Marijuana
Having a prescription for medical marijuana is not a free pass against all types of marijuana charges. For instance, you could be accused of possession with intent to sell if you keep your medical marijuana in lots of little baggies rather than in medicinal jars. Fortunately, an expert marijuana charge lawyer in Buena Park CA could assist you in preparing for a pre-trial hearing which could be used to get some types of charges dropped.
Why Choose Dan E. Chambers as Your Buena Park CA Marijuana Charge Attorney
When it’s your freedom or good name on the line, any type of drug charge is a very serious matter. At Chambers Law Firm, we treat every case as a top priority, whether you’re facing a small fine or years in prison. As your Buena Park CA marijuana charge lawyer, Dan can leverage his detailed understanding of the law to identify all possible arguments for your defense and use his superior investigational skills to gather evidence to support those arguments. In cases where the prosecution has very strong evidence, Dan can still help by working with the prosecution to secure a plea or steer you into a drug diversion program.
Call Now for a Free Consultation
If you’re ready to get an expert marijuana charge lawyer in Buena Park CA on your side, call Chambers Law Firm 714-760-4088 now. We’ll set up a free consultation just for you.