What Are Your Options? Ask an SB 1437 Lawyer in Claremont CA
If you have heard of the recent changes to the felony murder law in California, and you or a loved one has been convicted and sentenced according to it, then you may wonder: What are your options? The best way to get a direct answer to your specific questions is to contact an SB 1437 lawyer in Claremont CA for a free legal consultation by calling Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088. You can also read on for more details.
A Person Must Fit into One of These Three Categories to Be Eligible
It is not true that 100% of people who were sentenced with felony murder rule guidelines are eligible to have their sentences adjusted. Instead, only certain clients are eligible, including these categories:
- If the client was convicted under the first-degree felony murder rule then they must not have killed, intended to kill, or acted as a major participant in the felony with reckless indifference to human life.
- If the client was convicted as an accomplish to a “target” crime under the second-degree felony murder they cannot have killed or acted with malice in the killing.
- The client was convicted of second-degree murder.
If you believe that you or your loved one is covered by these three options then we welcome your call to Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free initial consultation. If you are not sure if they fit into these three categories then we recommend you call us or your previous counsel, or that you get accesso the jury instructions the judge gave out.
The Impact of SB 1437 Could Be Staggering
Many people wonder just how many people may be eligible to have their sentenced reduced. The truth is that an accurate estimate is impossible because there are no state-level records on how the felony murder sentencing laws have been applied. The changes are also new enough that we cannot be sure how the courts will react, and we do not know how many people will actually call an SB 1437 lawyer in Claremont CA for help. That said, some estimate that thousands of people may be eligible.
Are You Ready to Learn More? Call for a Free Consultation with an SB 1437 Lawyer in Claremont CA
This is a process that will take some time. This should dissuade anyone from taking the necessary steps to get the process started, but it should encourage them to contact an SB 1437 lawyer in Claremont CA sooner rather than later. You can reach Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 to request a free initial consultation. We are standing by to assess your case and give you the legal advice you need.