Domestic Violence Attorney in Fountain Valley CA

We Fight To Win!

Over 30 Years Of Experience

More Than 150 Jury Verdict Cases

24/7 Free Consultations

There is Nothing More Important than Hiring the Right Domestic Violence Attorney in Fountain Valley CA

If you have been charged with or accused of domestic violence then you need an attorney – it is that simple. The potential long-term consequences of a conviction include the loss of your right to bear arms, permanent restraining orders, and prison time. If you are facing this charge or accusation, contact Chambers Law Firm right away to request a free legal consultation with a domestic violence attorney in Fountain Valley CA.

Find the Help You Need from a Domestic Violence Attorney in Fountain Valley CA Who Can Defend You from it All

No matter which type of domestic violence charge you are facing, you have found an Attorney  that can help you. While many people think of this as a single charge, there are actually many charges under the “domestic violence” umbrella. They include:

  • Criminal threats
  • Corporal injury on a child
  • Corporal injury on a spouse
  • Violating a restraining order
  • Child neglect
  • Battery on a spouse
  • Elder abuse

Are you facing charges or accusations for a crime you do not see listed? Call us – we can likely help.

The State Will Aggressively Prosecute You and You Need a Domestic Violence Attorney in Fountain Valley CA Who Will Fight for You

The state of California takes domestic violence accusations seriously. In most D.A.’s offices, there are special units that work exclusively on domestic violence offenses. These prosecutors even move forwards cases when the alleged victim recants or declines to press charges. This can lead to innocent people being convicted of crimes they did not commit. The good news is that having an experienced domestic violence attorney in Fountain Valley CA on your side can help you fight back.

Should You Call a Domestic Violence Attorney in Fountain Valley CA Now or Wait for Charges to Be Filed?

If you are not yet facing criminal charges, you might wonder – what do I do if I am accused of domestic violence but have not yet been formally charged? Will I look guilty if I ask for help from a domestic violence attorney in Fountain Valley CA? The answer is simple: no, you will not look guilty and yes you can – and should – call an attorney as soon as you suspect you are a suspect.

Call for a Free Legal Consultation with a Domestic Violence Attorney in Fountain Valley CA

It is normal to feel scared. It is normal to feel angry. It is normal to feel that there is no one on your side. The good news is that you are not alone and there is someone there for you. The next step is to contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 to request a free legal consultation.

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