You Are Not Out of Options: Learn How a Three Strikes Defense Lawyer in Fresno CA Can Help
Too often, people who are facing a Third Strike conviction feel as though they are out of options. They feel that their only choice is to plead guilty and accept the consequences. The fact of the matter is that there are options available to you. Keep reading to learn more or contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation.
The Sentencing Enhancements that Accompany a Third Strike Should Be Taken Seriously
If a person is convicted of a Third Strike, they could face decades more in prison than if they had no criminal past. While we understand the reasoning behind the Three Strikes law, the truth is that it allows a judge to re-punish a person for past crimes they have likely paid their debt for. These are very serious charges and require the help of an experienced third strikes defense lawyer in Fresno CA.
Not All Felonies Can Qualify as a Third Strike
The law states that if a judge implements third strike penalties on a defendant, the third strike must be a felony and it must either be what the court considers “serious” or “violent.” This includes crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, serious assaults, child molestation, kidnapping, and certain drug charges. If a felony was committed and the defendant had a firearm then it can also qualify.
We Will Work for a Not Guilty Verdict or to Have the Charges Dropped
We will always start by looking at the first and best option: Having your charges dropped or getting a not guilty verdict at trial. This is the best option because it means you will not have any penalties to face. However, if there is a wealth of evidence then your three strikes defense lawyer in Fresno CA may suggest a different option.
We Can Work to Have the Charged Reduced
If there is too much evidence to beat the third strike then we may work to have it reduced. This may require you to plead guilty to a lesser charge, but if we can get it reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor then you will not face Third Strike penalties.
The Removal of a Previous Strike Could Help Reduce Your Sentence
In some cases, there is a wealth of evidence and the only thing a three strikes defense lawyer in Fresno CA can do is to work to reduce the penalties. This may involve filing a Romero Motion. This is a request for the judge to remove a previous strike, thus making the strikable offense you are facing less serious in penalties.