Don’t lose your license without a fight! Chambers Law Firm is here to help as your DUI attorney in Riverside CA.
A DUI has the potential to have a significant negative impact on your life. Your drivers license will be immediately confiscated by the arresting officer and potentially suspended by the DMV. Plus, you will face additional criminal penalties including fines, jail time, points on your license, and additional license suspensions or even revocations.
Fortunately, you do not have to just sit back and accept the many negative consequences of a DUI. Instead, be proactive and get a qualified DUI attorney in Riverside CA from Chambers Law Firm on your side now. We will work hard to protect your rights and interests at every stage of the DUI proceeding. We handle all kinds of matters related to DUI including:
- First Time DUI
- Multiple DUI
- Felony DUI
- DUI of Drugs
- Underage DUI
- Out of State DUI
- DUI Causing Injury
- Vehicular Manslaughter
Now You May Wonder…
…What if I Failed a Sobriety Test? Do I Still Need a DUI Attorney in Riverside CA?
Yes! Anyone and everyone accused of a DUI needs a skilled DUI attorney in Riverside CA like Chambers Law Firm on their side.
There are many possible grounds for challenging the results of a blood or breath test. For example, certain medical conditions can put compounds on your breath that will read as alcohol on a breathalyzer test and incorrectly raise your BAC reading. At Chambers Law Firm, we know exactly where to look for evidence that could undermine the results of your sobriety tests.
We Can Contest Your DMV License Suspension
The good news is, you can contest your DMV license suspension at a DMV hearing. The bad news is, you and your DUI attorney in Riverside CA only have 10 days following your arrest to request this hearing, so you must act fast. In preparation for the hearing we can:
- Request and review the evidence against you
- Serve subpoenas to gather new evidence
- Cross-examine the arresting officer
- Hear testimony from a forensic expert regarding blood or breath test results
If we can convince the DMV that your arrest was unlawful or that your BAC was not actually over the legal limit, you will get your drivers license back.
We’ll Fight for the Best Possible Outcome to Your Criminal Case
Regardless of the outcome of the DMV hearing, there may still be a criminal case against you. As your DUI attorney in Riverside CA, Chambers Law Firm has the skills and experience required to defend your rights in this arena as well. We will work hard to uncover new evidence for your defense, and hopefully undermine the prosecution’s case to such a degree that they will drop the case against you. If the evidence against you is strong, we can negotiate for a favorable plea deal that will expose you to the least possible penalty. If necessary, we will not hesitate to defend your innocence in court.
Call Now to Get a Top-Quality DUI Attorney in Riverside CA On Your Side
Remember, you don’t have to face a DUI alone! Chambers Law Firm is here for you. We are available at 714-760-4088 24/7.Call now for immediate assistance or a free initial consultation.