Are you facing charges for any type of firearm violation? Expert Riverside CA firearm charge attorney Dan E. Chambers can help
Officials tried to create a summary of California firearms laws for easy public reference, but even the summary is 18 pages long and quite complicated. It’s no surprise people accidentally violate firearm laws without even knowing it. As a leading firearm charge attorney in Riverside CA, Chambers Law Firm understands all the ins and outs of state as well as federal law. With his help, you can get the best possible chance of securing a positive outcome to your case and achieving your legal goals.
Dan E. Chambers Takes All Kinds of Firearm Cases
The laws governing firearms cover a wide range of activities, and as a seasoned firearm attorney in Riverside CA, Dan E. Chambers has worked in all these areas:
Sales: California law forbids the sale of handguns to individuals under 21, felons, out of state residents, and certain other individuals who are not permitted to own guns. It is also illegal to sell a gun without an approved firearm safety device or to an individual who has not passed a background check and obtained a handgun safety certificate.
Possession: Examples of charges involving illegal firearm possession include a felon owning a gun, a new California resident failing to report their out of state gun, or anyone owning an assault weapon.
Carrying: California has numerous laws regarding concealed and non-concealed transport and carrying of firearms. In general, you may carry your loaded firearm while on your own property, but if you are out in public with a loaded weapon but you don’t have proper authorization you will probably end up getting arrested and having to call a firearm lawyer in Riverside CA.
Discharge: In general, it isn’t a good idea to fire your weapon unless you are using it in self defense. California has specific penalties for firing weapons negligently, firing from a moving vehicle, and firing on occupied or unoccupied structures.
Related Charges: If you allegedly used your firearm to commit a crime, you could face additional charges for assault with a deadly weapon, brandishing a weapon, or making “threatening acts” with a firearm on a public street. Lucky for you, Dan E. Chambers is more than just a firearm charge attorney in Riverside CA and is actually skilled in all kinds of criminal defense matters.
Why You Need an Expert Firearm Attorney in Riverside CA
Depending on the nature of your alleged crime and the number and type of charges against you, you may possibly be facing huge fines or even life in prison if convicted. Even if you are only facing a misdemeanor charge, the stakes are still high because you are risking a black mark on your permanent record.
If you hope to defeat your charges or at least secure a reduced sentence, you really do need to get an expert firearm charge lawyer in Riverside CA on your side. Dan E. Chambers will work hard to develop a personalized and effective legal strategy based on the facts of your specific case. From the moment you contact Chambers Law Firm, Dan will be working hard to help you post bail and secure the evidence needed to get the most positive outcome possible to your case.