Seek sentencing relief now with help from your local Prop 47 attorney in Riverside CA.
Following the passage of Prop 47, which offers valuable sentencing relief to certain non-violent felony offenders, many people are scrambling to find a Prop 47 attorney in Riverside CA. As an experienced attorney who always exhausts every possible option to help his clients, Chambers Law Firm is following the development of Prop 47 resentencing procedures very closely. With Dan as your Prop 47 attorney in Riverside CA, you can rest assured you will get the best possible chance at securing maximum relief from Prop 47.
What Convictions Qualify for Prop 47 Sentencing Relief?
Prop 47 has reduced the penalties for a number of crimes. This doesn’t just apply to new offenders–individuals with prior convictions may also be able to secure a reduced penalty with help from a Prop 47 lawyer in Riverside CA. The main convictions that would qualify for Prop 47 include:
- Petty theft
- Forgery of a check, bond, money order, etc.
- Passing a bad check
- Receiving stolen property
- Possession of certain drugs
For the theft crimes, the amount of cash or goods involved must be $950 or less. And for all crimes, offenders cannot qualify if they have certain serious or violent felonies or sex offenses on their record.
Why Hire Dan as Your Prop 47 Lawyer in Riverside CA
Prop 47 resentencing can help individuals who are currently incarcerated regain their freedom earlier, as well as help individuals who have already served their sentences eliminate certain felonies from their permanent records. Naturally with so much at stake you want a Prop 47 lawyer in Riverside CA you can really count on. Here’s why you can trust Dan E. Chambers with your future:
- Dan Is Experienced: Dan has over 20 years of experience in the California courts under his belt. He has the contacts needed to stay on top of the latest Prop 47 developments so petitions he files will be correctly formatted for fast resolution.
- Dan Provides Personal Attention: Some law offices hang a senior attorney’s name on the door, but rely on inexperienced junior attorneys to do all the work. At Chambers Law Firm, Dan handles every case personally. His staff provides support but you always deal directly with Dan. He will even give you his personal cell number.
- Dan is Dedicated: Dan truly cares about the welfare of each and every client, and as your Prop 47 attorney in Riverside CA he will do everything in his power to help you secure the resentencing benefits you deserve.
Find Out if You Qualify Today
There is likely to be a backlog of resentencing petitions in the courts, so make sure you get your place in line ASAP by contacting Chambers Law Firm now. We’ll schedule a free consultation for you so you can decide if you want to hire Dan E. Chambers as your Prop 47 attorney in Riverside CA.