Protect your rights by hiring an aggressive welfare fraud attorney in Riverside CA now.
Are you facing charges for allegedly taking welfare benefits you don’t actually qualify for? If so, you may be in danger of spending anywhere from 6 months to 3 years in jail if convicted. Plus, you might lose your welfare benefits entirely. Don’t rely on the public defender to save you! Instead, get professional help from an experienced welfare fraud attorney in Riverside CA like Dan E. Chambers. Chambers Law Firm will fight aggressively for your rights.
We Handle All Kinds of Welfare Fraud Charges
Whether you are an individual accused of taking undeserved benefits or a state employee accused of disbursing fraudulent benefits, Riverside CA welfare fraud lawyer Dan E. Chambers can help. No matter what state program your case may involve, Dan can help:
- CalFresh
- General Assistance/General Relief
- Medi-Cal
This Welfare Fraud Lawyer in Riverside CA Gives You Options
When it comes to responding to welfare fraud charges, you have two options:
- Pleading Not Guilty: If you choose to plead not guilty, Dan will craft an expert defense, usually by presenting evidence to prove that you did not deliberately misrepresent your income or living situation. Without deliberate intent, fraud cannot occur.
- Agreeing to Restitution: You may be able to avoid jail time by agreeing to a restitution plan. This involves repaying the value of the benefits taken by fraud and pleading guilty to a reduced charge.
With Dan as you welfare fraud lawyer in Riverside CA, you can rest assured you will get accurate and reliable information regarding the advantages and disadvantages of these options in your particular case.
Get a Direct Line to your Welfare Fraud Attorney in Riverside CA
Though the staff of Chambers Law Firm will provide important support in building your defense, when you choose Dan as your welfare fraud lawyer in Riverside CA, you will be working directly with him. You’ll never get pushed off onto a junior attorney or stuck playing phone tag with secretaries. Instead, you’ll have Dan’s personal cell phone number so you can reach your attorney quickly.
Don’t Forget Related Charges
Obviously, it is important to find an attorney who specializes in welfare fraud in order to get a strong defense. But don’t forget that your welfare fraud attorney in Riverside CA may also have to include other related charges like perjury, theft, and e-crime in your defense. Fortunately, no matter how complicated your case may be or how many different charges may be involved, Dan E. Chambers has the skills and experience you need to fight back aggressively and effectively.
Call Now for a Free Consultation
Ready to meet your new welfare fraud attorney in Riverside CA? Contact Chambers Law Firm 714-760-4088 to schedule your free initial consultation with Dan.