Accused of mistreating a resident? Protect your good name with help from a nursing home abuse attorney in Tustin CA.
With the aging of the Baby Boomer generation, for the first time in our country’s history individuals 65 and over have topped 13 percent of the population. Many of these individuals will need nursing home care, and more residents in already understaffed facilities will no doubt mean more allegations of nursing home abuse.
If you have been accused of nursing home abuse, this could jeopardize your ability to continue working in your field and helping to care for these aging individuals. You will have the best possible chance of keeping unfounded allegations from ruining your reputation and destroying your livelihood if you get expert representation from Chambers Law Firm, an experienced nursing home abuse attorney in Tustin CA.
Expert Defense for All Types of Abuse Charges
Many different actions can fall under the category of nursing home abuse, including:
- Physical abuse
- Neglect and endangerment
- Emotional and psychological abuse
- Sexual abuse
As an experienced nursing home abuse attorney in Tustin CA, Dan E. Chambers can provide a strong defense against any charge, regardless of the specific type of abuse involved. You can rest assured he will explore every possible avenue for your defense. As a former prosecutor himself, Dan is especially skilled at identifying and undermining the types of evidence and arguments that prosecutors will be relying on to prove their charge.
Accident or Abuse?
Unfortunately, false nursing home abuse charges are sometimes raised after accidents because residents have physical or mental issues that prevent them from telling their side of the story, and well-meaning family members assume the worst. For instance, let’s say a nursing home resident breaks their arm. This type of injury could be caused by a fall rather than any deliberate harm on the part of a caretaker. By bringing in medical experts to assess the injury and confirm whether it is more consistent with deliberate harm or an accident, a nursing home abuse attorney in Tustin CA can help disprove these kinds of allegations.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Tustin CA
Whether charges have been filed or you have just been accused of abuse, a nursing home abuse attorney in Tustin CA can help protect your rights and interests. All you have to do to get a free initial consultation with Dan E. Chambers is call 714-760-4088. He will help you understand the charges against you and provide an overview of your options for resolving the case.