Marijuana Possession Attorney in Upland CA

Super Lawyer Of The Year

California's Top Rated

Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Hire a skilled marijuana possession attorney in Upland CA and get the best possible resolution to your case.

Thanks to recent laws that permit medical marijuana use, charges for marijuana possession have become rarer in California. However, many people still find themselves in need of a skilled Upland CA marijuana possession attorney. Respected defense attorney Chambers Law Firm still takes many cases involving marijuana possession charges, such as:

  • Infractions: Since 2011, individuals found in possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana have been charged with an infraction. This is not a criminal offense but a marijuana possession lawyer in Upland CA can still help you fight back against it.
  • Misdemeanor Possession: If you are found with larger amounts of marijuana, you’ll face misdemeanor charges. Possible penalties include jail time and fines.
  • Felony Possession: Possession of concentrated cannabis or hashish can result in a felony charge if the prosecutor feels this is appropriate.
  • Possession for Sale: Any amount of marijuana (even less than 1 ounce) can justify a felony charge for possession with intent to sell if supporting circumstantial evidence is found.

What a Marijuana Possession Attorney in Upland CA Can Do For You

An expert Upland CA marijuana possession lawyer like Dan E. Chambers has all kinds of strategies at his disposal for securing a favorable outcome to your case. Depending on the strength of the evidence, he might try:

  • Getting charges dropped
  • Getting charges reduced
  • Seeking a pre-plea deal in drug diversion court
  • Seeking a plea deal with the prosecution
  • Seeking a not guilty verdict at trial

You can rely on Dan to help you understand all your options and assist you in choosing the one that will provide the most favorable outcome possible in a timely fashion.

Call Now for Your Free Initial Consultation

If you’re looking for an Upland CA marijuana possession lawyer, you’ll definitely want to meet with Dan to discuss your case. One of the biggest benefits of working with Chambers Law Firm is every case is handled by Dan, not by a junior attorney. You can always reach Dan on his cell phone, unless he is in court. Call now 714-760-4088 to get on the path to an expert defense and a favorable resolution to your case.

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