There Are a Few Ways to Reduce a Federal Prison Sentence – Learn How We Can Help

There Are a Few Ways to Reduce a Federal Prison Sentence – Learn How We Can Help

You do not want to spend a lengthy period in jail if you’re convicted of a federal felony. If your counsel can persuade the judge that you are not a threat to the community and do not deserve a large sentence, you might receive a shorter sentence. There are several methods that can be used to your advantage.

Read on to learn about federal sentencing and how your federal defense attorney can help you fight for a shorter sentenced. Then contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a consultation.

Proving Mitigating circumstances

A federal judge has the ability to give a lighter sentence if there are mitigating circumstances. This could include anything that makes the crime less serious than the sentencing guideline indicates. In some cases, the history of the defendant or certain characteristics could make them eligible for a reduced sentence.

Fast tracking a guilty plea

In the event that there is a wealth of evidence and you know you will be pleading guilty, it can be to your advantage to do so earlier rather than later. This is known as fast tracking and it prevents the government from having to go to the full time and expense required to litigate the case. In response, they could issue a lighter sentence.

Showing your were under duress or were coerced

If the crime you committed was committed under duress, or you were coerced into committing it, then you could be eligible for a reduce sentence. In this case, we would have to prove the coercion or duress and convince the judge that it was significant enough to necessitate a lighter sentence.

Your criminal history is not as bad as it looks

In certain cases, a person might appear to have a significant criminal history but there is reason to discount it. For example, if you have very old convictions, or your previous convictions were very minor compared to the charge you are now facing, then it’s possible to have you sentenced in a lower criminal history category.

Arguing diminished capacity

If you acted while under serious reduced mental capacity, also known as diminished capacity, then we could have your sentence reduced. Note that the diminished capacity has to have been a significant factor in the commission of the crime and that voluntarily using alcohol or drugs does not make a person eligible for this reduction.

These are only a few of the ways we can work to have your sentence reduced. The bottom line is this: if you are facing a federal charge, you need an experienced federal defense attorney. You have found that in Chambers Law Firm. Call now at 714-760-4088 to request a consultation.

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