This is What You Should Do if You Are Charged with a Felony in California

If you have been accused of a crime, you probably feel shocked and dismayed, especially if it is a felony accusation, the most serious type of criminal allegation. Even if this isn’t the first time you’ve been accused of a crime, you probably won’t know what to do next.

We know that many of our clients who are facing felony charges in Los Angeles, California, face substantial worry as soon as they are accused of a crime. For this reason, we have compiled a list of suggestions for what you should do if you have been accused of a felony in California. Contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 to request a free legal consultation today.

Use Your Right to Remain Silence

Using your right to remain silent is the first and most crucial action you should take. We all have this right under the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution, and you should exercise it to safeguard your safety and your capacity for self-defense. Inform the police that you are exercising this privilege and decline to answer any questions without a lawyer present.

Yet, be mindful to do it in a composed and courteous manner. Even though the police might not treat you with respect and you could be angry about being wrongfully accused, continuing to be polite can benefit you in the long run. Even if you are innocent, showing resistance, becoming aggressive, or losing your temper can make you appear guilty.

Quickly Request a Lawyer

You should use your right to silence and make a direct, unequivocal request for an attorney by saying, “I want a lawyer.” The difference between being found guilty of a felony charge and having the charges dropped entirely or even reduced can be made by having a criminal lawyer in Los Angeles, California on your side. Without your attorney present, avoid speaking to the police or anybody else.

Be Honest with Your Attorney

Remember that your criminal attorney in Los Angeles, California is on your side even though it could be challenging to discuss the specifics of your case with them. The attorney-client privilege obligates him or her to maintain the confidentiality of your information. Being truthful will enable your attorney to represent you as effectively as possible.

Avoid Discussing Your Case with Others

There’s a strong likelihood that other people know that you’ve been accused of a felony. Even the local news may have covered your supposed crime. Avoid the need to try to justify yourself to others or to simply vent to relatives or friends. Your interactions with your attorney are private, but those with your family and friends are not (with the exception of your spouse). If you tell a friend what happened, that person can wind up testifying against you, which is not a good situation.

You will need a skilled criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles, California if you have been accused of a felony violation in the state of California. To set up a free first consultation or to find out more about how we can assist, please contact the Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 or

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