What Additional Conditions of Probation Could a Person with a DUI Face?

What Additional Conditions of Probation Could a Person with a DUI Face?

When a person is convicted of a DUI and faces probation, there are the basic conditions of probation they will be forced to follow – but there could also be additional conditions of probation. Keep reading to learn what they could be and then contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation with a DUI attorney in California.

Typical Conditions of Probation

First, let us discuss the typical conditions of probation a person should expect to face if they are convicted of a DUI. First, you cannot drive with any amount of alcohol in your blood. This means that if you are tested, and there is even the slightest measurable amount of alcohol, you can be charged with a probation violation.

You cannot refuse to submit to a chemical test of your blood or breath if you are arrested for another DUI. In some cases, your urine might be collected as well. Finally, you cannot commit another crime, or you will be convicted of probation violation.

You Could Also Be Required to Attend AA Meetings

The additional conditions a judge might decide to include in probation for a DUI offense including the requirement to attend either Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings. Generally, the requirement will be to attend a certain number of meetings within a certain timeframe.

You Could Be Required to Participate in a MADD Program

Mothers Against Drunk Driving, otherwise known as MADD, have a Victim Impact Program in which they work to show drunk drivers what the victim might experience as a result of their behavior. Judges sometimes add attending these programs to the list of requirements of probation.

Restitution Might Be Required

If the DUI involved a car accident, then the judge is likely to require that you pay restitution for the injury and/or damages you caused during the accident. Note that the victims could still sue you personally through civil court regardless of any restitution you might be required to pay.

Violating Any Terms of Probation Can Lead to DUI Probation Violation Charges

In the event you are assigned any of these additional conditions, you could face charges of DUI probation violation. This is true even if it is not part of “standard” probation. Judges have great leeway regarding what they can require.

If you are currently facing a charge of DUI, be sure that you work with an attorney who can fight to get you the best possible outcome. This could include probation instead of jail time and more lenient conditions of probation. Contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 now for a free legal consultation to learn more.

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