Yes, You Could Be Charged for Crimes Based on What You Post on Social Media

Yes, You Could Be Charged for Crimes Based on What You Post on Social MediaSocial media has taken over modern life, whether you like it or not. Everyone from adolescents to senior adults appears to be on social media these days, from Facebook to Snapchat. It’s become a place to catch up on the latest news, swap images, and, for some, get into hot water.

Unfortunately, some people are unable to control what they write on the internet. There have been numerous news stories about people losing their jobs as a result of making ill-advised comments on social media. What about criminal charges, though? Is it possible to go to jail for anything you publish on social media?

Yes, your social media posts could land you in jail, depending on your standing and what you’re sharing online. What you post online can have real-world consequences, especially if what you’re doing isn’t precisely legal. Keep reading to learn more and then contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 if you require a free legal consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney.

This case shows the perfect example

Consider the case of a 19-year-old Florida man who was charged with 142 felonies after local cops discovered photos of him smirking and brandishing guns on his public Instagram account in 2013. His social media posts grabbed the attention of the cops, and he was arrested as a result.

The police can utilize this information to investigate a crime, especially if a social media account is public. Even if the information isn’t publicly available, having privacy settings enabled isn’t a guarantee; police can often acquire warrants to access user accounts and obtain the same data.

How police can use your social media posts

In other cases, police and prosecutors are utilizing social media to prove rather than find perpetrators. For example, if you have already been caught for possessing stolen items, they may search your social media accounts for photos of you wearing or using the stolen property. They may also examine communications regarding the stolen property between you and other social media users.

Your social media posts could put you in danger of being the victim of a crime

People can also use social media to locate targets for crime, as many people believe happened in the instance of Kim Kardashian’s robbery in Paris. If you post images of expensive objects on the internet or let others know that you will be gone for an extended period of time, you are inviting criminals into your home.

What’s the bottom line? Be cautious about what you post on social media and the internet in general. It can be used against you in a variety of ways, including on a personal, professional, and criminal level. If you have been charged with a crime, you will want the services of an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Call Chambers Law Firm now at 714-760-4088 for help.

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