The 3 Ways You Can Beat a Criminal Case Involving the 3 Strikes Law

The 3 Ways You Can Beat a Criminal Case Involving the 3 Strikes Law

The purpose of the Three Strikes Law California passed is to prevent people who have been repeatedly convicted of certain crimes from coming in and out of prison. According to this law, a sentencing enhancement of 25 years to life can be added to a Third Strike Case. The law also holds that a Second Strike case can double the defendant’s sentence.

No matter how you look at it, these are very harsh penalties. If you’re accused of any crime that’s considered a strike then you need help form an experienced criminal defense attorney. You need to work with Chambers Law Firm. Read on to learn the three ways you could potential beat this charge and then call us at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation.

The third crime must be considered serious or violent

In order for a crime to count as a Third Strike, it must be “serious or violent” and a felony. It could also be a crime that qualifies for various other reasons. Some of the most common offenses that count as a Third Strike include:

  • Any type of murder including manslaughter and attempted murder
  • Certain types of assault
  • Rape
  • Child molestation
  • Robber
  • Kidnapping
  • Felonies involving a firearm
  • Gang-related felonies
  • Any sex crime that’s considered violent
  • Possession of drugs with intent to sell

Have you been charged with one of these crimes? Then call Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 right away.

Three potential ways to beat the Third Strike charge

When you hire us as your Third Strikes defense lawyer, you can count on us to carefully consider your case and the evidence against you to come up with the best possible defense options for your case. The right way forward will vary based on your case, but the three most common options we’ll consider are:

  1. Beating the charge. If there isn’t enough evidence to convict you of the charge, then we’ll work to beat the charge. This is the best possible outcome because it doesn’t involve any penalties.
  2. Getting the charge reduced. If there’s a wealth of evidence against you then pleading guilty may be the best option. Why? Because we may be able to work out a deal with the prosecution to get your charges reduced to a misdemeanor that doesn’t trigger the Third Strike.
  3. Working to get a past strike removed. We may also file a motion to have a past strike removed from consideration. The judge will take a number of things into consideration, including what you’re charged with today, the past charges, and how much time has passed since those charges.

If you’re ready to find out which of the above options will work best for your case, then we welcome your call at 714-760-4088. Chambers Law Firm is proud to offer a free legal consultation. We are a full-service, experienced law firm with the combination of compassion for our clients and aggressive fight for our adversaries that you need.

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