Three Strikes Lawyer in California

Contact a Three Strikes Lawyer in California if You Have Been Accused of a Three Strikes Crime

The alleged purpose of the Three Strikes laws in California is to prevent repeat offenders from being released over and over again in the system. The unfortunate truth about these laws is that they can result in very serious consequences for crimes that are not nearly as serious as the punishment. If you have been charged with any crime that is a potential strike, whether it’s your first or third, we highly recommend you contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 to talk to a three strikes lawyer in California.

Discover Which Crimes Are Considered Strikes in California

A Third Strikes lawyer in California can give you the details on what charges may be considered a strike and which ones would not. Note that they should be “serious or violent” and they should be a felony. However, the questions arise at who decides what “serious or violent” means. Some of the charges that would constitute a strike include:

  • Murder (including attempted murder and manslaughter)
  • Rape
  • Robbery
  • Kidnapping
  • Child Molestation
  • Certain Assaults
  • Felonies in which you personally used a firearm
  • Felonies committed for a gang
  • Possession for sale
  • Any sexually violent offense

If you are not sure if the charge you are facing is a strikable offense, contact a Three Strikes lawyer in California today.

Your Three Strikes Lawyer in California May Help You Beat the Charge

One way your attorney may choose to help you is to help you beat the strike charge you are facing. This may be done by showing that there is not enough evidence to charge you or to show that the evidence against you was not legally obtained. This is the most advantageous option and the first option your Three Strikes lawyer in California will work toward.

Your Three Strikes Lawyer in California May Help Have the Charges Reduced

If there is strong evidence against you then it may be best to plead guilty to the charges. However, this does not mean simply allowing the maximum penalty to be applied to your case. Instead, your three strikes lawyer in California can work to have the charge reduced from a strikable offense to a non-strikable offense.

Your Three Strikes Lawyer in California May Work to Have a Previous Strike Thrown Out

If you are facing a third strike and there is a mountain of evidence against you and no argument that would likely convince a prosecutor to reduce the charge then hiring a three strikes lawyer in California is more important than ever. We may be able to work with the judge to have a previous strike thrown out which would effectively make your third strike your second strike.

If you have questions then we urge you to contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation with a three strikes lawyer in California.

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