A Riverside DUI Attorney Explains Diabetes and DUI Charges: The Connection You Should Know About

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For the vast population living with diabetes in the US, recognizing the relationship between blood sugar levels and their potential impact on DUI cases is crucial. A significant segment of the American populace, around 10% according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is afflicted with this condition.

The condition is typically managed through diet modifications, medications, and other treatments. Yet, if not effectively managed, diabetes can pose serious risks, even leading to problematic situations such as DUI arrests or convictions. The intricacies of this relationship can be explained by a Riverside DUI attorney. Contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 to request a free legal consultation.

Hypoglycemia, Hyperglycemia and DUI Cases

The potential for unjust arrests or convictions of individuals with diabetes largely hinges on their blood sugar levels, particularly with respect to hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.

People experiencing hypoglycemia might display symptoms resembling intoxication. Common indicators include confusion, difficulty in maintaining balance, slurred speech, and drowsiness, all of which could be misconstrued as signs of inebriation during a DUI stop, as pointed out by law enforcement training protocols.

On the other hand, hyperglycemia may not exhibit typical physical signs of intoxication. However, it could still instigate a DUI arrest due to the body’s unique sugar processing mechanism. For instance, individuals with significantly high blood sugar levels might exude a fruity odor, often confused with the smell of alcohol.

Moreover, when the body starts breaking down fats instead of sugar for fuel, it generates ketones, substances that might appear in breath tests for alcohol due to their chemical resemblance to ethyl alcohol. This could trigger false positive readings on a roadside breathalyzer or a post-arrest chemical breath test.

The Role of a Riverside DUI Attorney for Diabetic Clients

Interestingly, numerous people living with diabetes, particularly those developing Type 2 diabetes in their later years, might not even realize their condition. However, if you face a DUI arrest, a proficient Riverside DUI attorney from Chambers Law Firm can delve into your case details and ask pertinent questions, potentially aiding your defense. Upon diagnosing your diabetic condition, your lawyer can leverage this fact to negotiate a reduction or complete dismissal of charges against you, working tirelessly to secure a not guilty verdict in court.

Understanding Breath Tests and the Implications of False Positives

Certain medical conditions and even specific diets can cause false positive DUI test results, potentially leading to unjust arrests. A fundamental understanding of the functioning of chemical breath tests is key to mounting a successful defense against DUI charges.

We Can Help You

At Chambers Law Firm, we believe in a collaborative approach to develop the strongest possible defense against Riverside DUI charges. If you have diabetes, our defense strategy might include soliciting medical tests and records to contest the charges against you. To gain a deeper insight into our services or to book a free initial consultation, get in touch with us today at 714-760-4088 or via email.

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