A Santa Ana DUI Lawyer Explains the Unforeseen DUI Risk of Common Over-the-Counter Medications

Medicine pill tablet in shopping basket with pharmacy drugstore shelves blurred background

The frequent use of over-the-counter medications such as Advil, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen is common, especially for those leading busy lives rife with the occasional aches, pains, and ailments. However, what many people might not realize is that these medications could potentially result in a DUI arrest. If you find yourself in such a situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088, your trusted Santa Ana DUI lawyer.

The Hidden Risks of Everyday Medication

For parents with young children, the need for Advil, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen can become more pronounced. The demands of parenthood coupled with exposure to common childhood illnesses can often tax the immune system. Whether rushing to drop kids off at school or heading to the office, over-the-counter medication can provide the relief needed to get through the day.

However, taking these medications could inadvertently put you at risk for a DUI. Many people are unaware that over-the-counter medications can affect blood alcohol levels (BAC). In some instances, these medicines may potentially increase your BAC to above the legal limit of .08%.

The Unforeseen Consequence of Cold Medication

The fact that everyday cold medications can impact your BAC levels might come as a surprise, given that this information is seldom relayed by medical professionals. Yet, it remains a reality. Without realizing the potential consequences, you might consume some cold medicine and continue your day as normal, only to find yourself being pulled over by the police.

After a few field sobriety tests, you could end up being arrested for DUI – a shocking development considering you hadn’t consumed any alcohol. But it’s the overlooked cold medicine, which you didn’t measure, that might have been the culprit.

How a Santa Ana DUI Lawyer Can Help

While this might be a distressing situation, the key is to remain calm. Your next step should be to contact a reliable Santa Ana DUI lawyer at your earliest convenience. Chambers Law Firm has a track record of successfully handling DUI cases over a span of several years. Depending on your case specifics, we can work towards a full dismissal of the charges, a reduction in penalties, or other favorable outcomes.

To schedule a free initial consultation, simply reach out to us at 714-760-4088. Don’t let a misunderstanding concerning over-the-counter medication result in a DUI conviction. Enlist the support of an experienced Santa Ana DUI lawyer today.

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