Am I eligible to apply for a restricted license after my DUI conviction?

Am I eligible to apply for a restricted license after my DUI conviction?If you’ve been convicted of a DUI, you’re probably wondering what’s next. What can you do to at least get to and from work after being convicted of a DUI? Well, if this is your first DUI, your driver’s license will be suspended for 4 months after your conviction, and if it’s your 2nd or subsequence DUI, it’ll be suspended for much longer.

30 days after the start of this suspension, you may apply for a restricted license, which will allow you to drive to and from work and any court-ordered programs such as DUI school. You won’t be allowed to drive anywhere else, and if you are discovered driving anywhere else, there will be serious repercussions. Penalties may be 5 days to a year in county jail and a fine of $300-$1,000. You may also be required to install an Ignition Interlock Device in your car. After you blow into it, the machine will analyze your blood alcohol level and ensure it’s at a safe level before allowing the car to start.

Refused a blood or breath test?

However, you should know that if you refused to submit to a blood or breath test when the police officer pulled you over on suspicion of DUI, you won’t be eligible to apply for a restricted license. Even if this is your first DUI, you won’t qualify for a restricted license.

DUI programs

You should also be aware that if at any time you fail to attend your required driving under the influence program, your restricted license will be revoked and your suspension will be reinstated.

Aggravated factors

If there are aggravated factors present in your case, your request for a restricted license may be denied. Your license may also be suspended for a longer period of time. Examples of aggravated factors include an extremely high blood alcohol level, the presence of minors in the vehicle, or causing an accident while DUI.

Personalized DUI advice

While there are minimum and maximum penalties in DUI cases, the actual repercussions for actual individual cases vary. Find out what the most likely outcome of your DUI case is by scheduling a free case evaluation with top Southern California DUI defense attorney Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm. All prospective clients are entitled to a free consultation, so schedule yours now by calling 714-760-4088, emailing, or by using the chat box below.

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