As a Criminal Defense Attorney: Can a Person’s Weight Affect Their Breathalyzer Results?

As a Criminal Defense Attorney: Can a Person’s Weight Affect Their Breathalyzer Results?Different people become inebriated at different rates than others. One of the factors that affects this rate is a person’s weight. It only stands to reason that a person’s breathalyzer results could be impacted by their weight – but is that true?

True, weight has an impact on blood alcohol concentration levels, and if you want to prevent a DUI, it’s a good idea to learn about all the elements that influence blood alcohol concentration levels. It would be terrible to be charged with DUI when you were sure you were within the legal limit. Keep reading to learn more and then contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 to request a free legal consultation.

What effect does weight have on blood alcohol levels?

There are several factors that influence blood alcohol levels, but weight and muscle mass are two of the most essential. Because alcohol is absorbed faster into muscle mass than into body fat, those with greater body fat have higher blood alcohol concentrations for longer periods of time.

Women’s blood alcohol concentrations are often greater than men’s due to their lower body sizes and weights. Furthermore, according to one study, women have roughly half as many enzymes needed to metabolize alcohol as males, therefore it takes their systems longer to handle alcohol.

What am I supposed to do with this data?

If you’re petite or have a high body fat percentage, you should pay careful attention to your blood alcohol levels before driving to prevent being caught for DUI. Even those who appear to be in good health may have a blood content of more than.08 percent. To be safe, pass the keys over to a sober buddy or take a cab home whenever you drink.

What if I’m arrested for driving under the influence?

It’s conceivable that if you’re arrested for DUI, you weren’t genuinely inebriated. Field sobriety tests are highly subjective, and blood and breath tests can be inaccurate as well.

Chambers Law Firm, Southern California’s leading criminal defense attorney, will help you fight your DUI case. Attorney Dan Chambers offers free case evaluations to all potential clients. He’ll go through all of the circumstances of your case with you, begin drafting your particular defense plan, and tell you what you can reasonably expect as a result of your case.

Your situation isn’t hopeless

DUI accusations are not always followed by convictions. By calling the Chambers Law Firm now, you could avoid expensive penalties, DUI school, prison time, license suspension, and other potentially catastrophic repercussions of a DUI conviction. Call now at 714-760-4088 to get started.

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