Avoid a DUI on Superbowl Sunday

Be smart during and after the big game so you don’t find yourself facing criminal charges.

Avoid a DUI on Superbowl SundayThe Superbowl is just around the corner! And while no California teams will be headed to the big game, many of us will still be celebrating.  After all, the Superbowl is about more than football — it’s a national celebration! Whether you are just watching for the commercials or are rooting for your favorite team, there is one thing that we can all agree on: a DUI arrest is a horrible way to end Superbowl Sunday.

Throughout Southern California, people host and attend Superbowl parties in their homes, at bars and in other venues.  In many cases, these parties involve plenty of food and alcohol. While drinking with your friends during the big game is fun, it won’t be quite as enjoyable if you are stopped by the police on the way home.

It is no secret that during holidays and major events, the police step up DUI enforcement.  It only makes sense — if there is an occasion where people tend to drink a lot and celebrate, the police should be monitoring the roads to make sure that they are safe.  This may mean DUI checkpoints, police presence on major roadways, or police sitting outside of bars where lots of people may be watching the game.

So how can you avoid getting a DUI this Superbowl Sunday?  The easiest answer is to simply not drink if you are going to be driving.  This is always the smartest and safest choice; if you know that you have to drive, do not consume any alcohol at all.  Otherwise, you can have a designated driver or plan to stay overnight somewhere so that you aren’t tempted to get behind the wheel of your car after you have been drinking.

However, having one or two drinks does not mean that you are unable to drive safely.  Be sure to be vigilant about how much you are drinking, and have plenty of food and water throughout the night.  If there is even a question about your ability to drive, do not risk it — ask a friend to drive you home, crash at their house, or call a taxi or an Uber.  Even if you feel like you can safely drive, it generally is not worth the risk of getting charged with a DUI.  Think of it this way: an Uber may cost you $50, but a DUI conviction will cost you thousands of dollars in fines, penalties and other consequences (including the inability to drive, paying for a lawyer, possibly losing your job, having to pay more for high risk insurance, being charged for DUI school and more).  It just makes sense to avoid drinking and driving at all costs, especially on days when you know that the police will likely be out in force.

It is important to remember that just because you have been charged with a DUI does not mean that you are guilty.  The police may arrest people with less-than-solid evidence, and a good DUI lawyer in Irvine, CA can develop any number of factual or legal defenses to have the charges reduced or even dismissed.  The key is to not simply accept a DUI charge; you have the right to fight back against the charge, and to have a lawyer defend you.  Pleading guilty may seem like the best course of action, but remember that a DUI conviction gives you a criminal record, and it may impact your life for years to come.

If you have been arrested for a DUI, you will need the help of a skilled DUI lawyer.  In Irvine, CA and throughout Southern California, contact the Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 or dchambers@clfca.com.  We will aggressively defend you against false or trumped up DUI charges.  Call us today for a free initial consultation!

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