Bail 101: The Ins and Outs of Bail in California Criminal Law

Bail 101: The Ins and Outs of Bail in California Criminal Law

At Chambers Law Firm, we are with our clients from start to finish. We are here to answer any questions they have and help them through the complicated process of dealing with the criminal law system. One of the things they often need help understanding is California’s bail laws. If you have questions, then your best bet is to call us directly at 714-760-4088 for a free consultation. Otherwise, read on to learn the basics.

Bail isn’t always required

After a person is arrested, they may be released on their own recognizance. This essentially means that they’re released right away – or rather, as soon as the paperwork and booking process are done. Being released on your own recognizance is only an option if the offense is relatively minor.

The bail amount varies based on how serious the offense is

In most cases, bail is set. The amount of bail is based on how serious the offense is. The more serious it is, the more the bail amount will be. Each county in California has its own bail schedule that assigns bail amounts for different crimes. For the most serious of all crimes, such as homicide, no bail is given and the accused must stay in custody.

We can ask the judge to reduce your mail amount

In the event that a prosecutor decides to pursue a criminal charge against you, and you haven’t posted bail yet, then we can petition the judge to reduce your bail the first time you appear in court. Keep in mind that while the judge may decide to do so, they do not have to grant the request.

We can help you find a reliable bail bond company

At Chambers Law Firm, we’ve been working with two bail bond companies for years. Both of them have been working in this industry for over 40 years and can be contacted 24 hours a day, every day of the year. They’re able to handle bail applications very quickly and efficiently. They require a payment of 10% before they post the bond. This is a non-refundable fee.

If you do this with the help of your criminal defense attorney, that amount will be reduced to 8% but it’s still non-refundable. In certain cases, they may also require a cash deposit or some other type of collateral before posting bond on your behalf.

What’s the purpose of bail in the first place?

It’s not uncommon for our clients to wonder what the purpose of bail is. Essentially, it’s to guarantee that you’ll appear at the proceedings you’re required to appear at. If you don’t appear then your bail will be revoked. At that point, the bail bond company you worked with has to pay the courts the entire bail amount. You and anyone else who signed the bail bond agreement must pay back the entire amount of the bail to the bail bonds man.

On the other hand, if you do show up to all your bail hearings, then the money is returned to the bail bonds man. To learn more, or to find out how you can get help with your bond, contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 right away for a free consultation.

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