Be Careful of Halloween DUIs

Halloween is a great weekend to celebrate — but a DUI could be the scariest part of the holiday.

Be Careful of Halloween DUIs

Halloween is almost here! With the holiday falling on a Monday this year, we have an entire weekend to celebrate the spookiest of holidays.  People in San Bernardino and throughout Southern California are preparing their costumes, their parties and their bar crawls.  Halloween parties and nights out are a lot of fun, but they present a serious danger of driving under the influence.  The fact that many children and teens are out and about in the evening over Halloween weekend make it all the more important to avoid driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol this holiday weekend.

Because so many kids will be on local streets at night this weekend, and because so many adults enjoy alcohol at Halloween parties, many state and local police forces increase their presence over the holiday weekend.  There may be sobriety checkpoints on heavily-traveled roads, or officers stationed outside of popular bars or in neighborhoods that host lots of Halloween parties.  The increased policing of our roadways can help to reduce drunk driving and accidents that cause serious injuries or fatalities.  But it can also lead to officers taking shortcuts or being overly aggressive in their enforcement in order to meet quotas or to have something to show for a weekend of overtime.

Stay Safe This Halloween

Whether your plans involve trick or treating, a big costume party, or a bar crawl with all of your friends, the Chambers Law Firm encourages ALL Halloween revelers to enjoy themselves responsibly.   You can do this by drinking in moderation, being aware of your level of intoxication, having a designated driver, or planning to stay over at a friend’s house or in a hotel if you will be drinking.  If you don’t make a plan in advance of Halloween and end up being unable to drive, take advantage of technology and order a Lyft or an Uber.  The cost of a DUI far outweighs the cost of a driver — and using a taxi service of some kind will prevent an arrest for driving under the influence that can seriously impact your life. You should also be aware of how your costume impedes your ability to get around; drinking too much while wearing a cumbersome costume can result in a nasty spill.

If you are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs over Halloween, be sure to contact a seasoned San Bernardino DUI lawyer as soon as possible.  Contact the Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 or to make sure that your legal rights are protected. We can help you with all aspects of your DUI case, from requesting and appearing at an administrative hearing before the DMV to gathering facts and negotiating a plea deal to aggressively defending you at trial if necessary.

At the Chambers Law Firm, all initial consultations are free.  Our attorneys have a wealth of experience in defending DUI cases in Southern California.  Attorney Dan E. Chambers will fight for you, and will present the best possible factual and legal defenses to the charges against you. You can rest easy knowing that you have one of the top San Bernardino DUI lawyers beside you.  Contact our office today at 714-760-4088 or to talk to an attorney about your California DUI case.

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