Be Careful on the Night Before Thanksgiving

Black Wednesday can be an incredibly dangerous night for drinking and driving.  Learn how you can stay safe.

Be Careful on the Night Before Thanksgiving

The holidays are rapidly approaching, and with them, a season of overindulgence — including in alcohol.  The night before Thanksgiving is known as Black Wednesday among law enforcement officers for the prevalence of drunk driving incidents.  Across California, people of all ages travel home to spend time with their families — and many of them spend the night before Thanksgiving out at bars catching up with old friends.

Because the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has designated this night as a peak time for drunk driving, many police departments around the country make DUI enforcement on this night a priority.  This means increased patrols, particularly around bars, and DUI checkpoints on heavily traveled roads.  As a DUI lawyer in Tustin, CA, I am all too familiar with the results of this increased police presence — including many unjust arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The police may be under increased pressure to make a certain number of arrests or to meet a quota.  This can lead to stops that are not justified, or overzealous policing that violates your legal rights.

Of course, avoiding arrest is not the only reason to not drink or drive this holiday season.  Drunk driving accidents are far too common, and can lead to serious injuries or even fatalities.  If you plan to drink on “Black Wednesday,” you should be responsible about how much you drink — and how you plan to get home from the bar.  You can take some simple steps to be safe on the night before Thanksgiving, including drinking in moderation and being aware of how intoxicate you are getting.  Drink plenty of water, and be sure to not forget to order some food along with your drinks. When it comes to driving, plan ahead.  Have a designated driver, or have cash or a card to take a taxi or Uber home.  If necessary, plan to stay over with a friend or at a hotel to avoid being on the road while drunk.

If you are arrested for a DUI infraction on Black Wednesday, do not forget that you have the right to remain silent and to request a lawyer.  Call the Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 or email us as soon as possible after you are arrested.  As seasoned DUI lawyers in Tustin, CA, we are skilled at handling all phases of DUI cases, including requesting an administrative hearing with the DMV within 10 days of you arrest. We can also work to develop factual and legal defenses to the charges, and negotiate a favorable deal on your behalf.  Depending on the facts of your case, this may include a reduction or dismissal of the charges.

At the Chambers Law Firm, we are devoted DUI lawyers in Tustin, Ca.  We offer free initial consultations, and will fight to defend you against DUI charges if you have been arrested in Tustin or the surrounding areas.  Attorney Dan E. Chambers is a tough, smart attorney who has your best interests at heart — and will work to protect your freedom.  Contact the Chambers Law Firm today:

Phone: 714-760-4088


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