Biking Under the Influence

If you ride a bike after using drugs or alcohol, you could be charged with Cycling Under the Influence.

Biking Under the Influence

Throughout the year, people in Orange County can be seen riding their bikes, particularly in towns along the coast.  Biking is a great way to get in shape or to just get outside and enjoy our gorgeous Southern California weather.  However, if you are planning to ride a bike after you’ve been drinking or using drugs, you may be at risk for a criminal charge.  That’s right: Cycling Under the Influence (CUI) is a violation of the California Vehicle Code, and can result in a fine, a misdemeanor conviction and even a license suspension for bikers under the age of 21.

Consequences of CUI Charges

The consequences of a CUI charge are less serious than a Driving Under the Influence charge, but still can have a significant impact on your life.  This is particularly true if the police also decide to charge you with public intoxication.  That is why it is so important to contact a knowledgable Orange County DUI attorney as soon as you are charged.

Although the potential for causing injuries to other people is lower when you are on a bike as opposed to in a vehicle, there is still the possibility of hurting yourself or others if you are riding a bike while under the influence.  After all, riding a bicycle takes balance and coordination — and drinking alcohol has a strong likelihood of reducing a person’s balance and coordination!  You can be seriously injured or even die in a bicycle accident, particularly if you run into a vehicle.  You could also hurt others.  If you are going to be drinking or using drugs, the smart choice is to leave you bike at home. Get a ride with a sober friend instead, or call a Taxi or an Uber to get you home safely.

Many times, law enforcement may be able to detect that a person is biking under the influence by looking for some of the more obvious signs of intoxication.  This may include bloodshot, watery eyes, slurred speech, a flushed face, a lack of coordination or a strong odor of alcohol.   A seasoned Orange County DUI defense attorney can examine the facts of your case to see if any of these “signs” were misread, leading to a wrongful charge of CUI.

Contact the Chambers Law Firm Today

As with DUI cases, it is important to contact an attorney immediately after being charged with cycling under the influence. The Chambers Law Firm offers free initial consultations, where we can discuss what happened in your case and determine if you have a viable defense to a CUI charge.  Dan Chambers is a smart, aggressive lawyer who will fight for your rights — and won’t back down from overzealous prosecutors and law enforcement.  If you have been charged with CUI, particularly if you are under the age of 21, contact the Chambers Law Firm today at 714-760-4088 or

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