How California Drug Courts Work

Successful completion of a treatment program could result in dismissal of charges

How California Drug Courts WorkMost people recognize that drug addiction, like alcoholism, is a disease. That is why California has established what is known as “drug courts.” These are an alternative to traditional courts that allow non-violent offenders to participate in drug rehabilitation programs. If a defendant in a drug court case successfully completes his or her treatment program, he or she may then be eligible for dismissal of all criminal charges in the associated case. A drug defense lawyer in Los Angeles, CA can work with you to help you determine if you are eligible for participation in a drug court.

Drug courts are available for people who have been charged with possession charges for personal use. If you have been charges with possession with intent to sell or other drug offenses (such as manufacturing), then you will not be eligible for drug court. A drug defense lawyer in Los Angeles, CA can help you determine if you will qualify for drug court in California.

Depending on your criminal history and the nature of your current offense, you may be required to enter a guilty to the criminal charge before being accepted as a participant in the program. This will typically be the case if you have a history of committing crimes, but not if you simply have a history of drug abuse. If you have to plead guilty to the charged crime, then you will be placed on probation and required to participate in a drug treatment program as part of the conditions of your probation. If you complete your program during probation, then your probation will be terminated.

The treatment programs will vary based on the specific court and county. Certain courts will reinstate the criminal charges if a defendant does not successfully complete the treatment program. California’s drug diversion programs provide that people who successfully complete drug diversion programs should have their criminal charges dismissed. The key is that a person must work hard to stay on track with treatment — and to finish his or her program.

Obviously, going to a drug court and entering in a treatment program is a far better alternative for most defendant than being sent to jail and having a conviction on your record for drug possession. Working with a drug defense lawyer in Los Angeles, CA can help you secure a place in a California drug court or in a drug diversion program. From there, it will be up to you to work hard at your program to ensure that you can reap the benefits of the second chance that you have been given to start your life again.

At the Chambers Law Firm, we represent people who have been charged with a variety of drug offenses, and can often help people who want to get help and turn their lives around through treatment programs. Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or to learn more about how we can help you and to schedule a free initial consultation.

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