Can You Face a DUI Charge for Operating a Jet Ski? Insights from a Los Angeles County DUI lawyer

Jet Ski Moored inon on waves of sea

When basking in the serene waters, enjoying a day with loved ones, it’s easy to lose track of a few beers before embarking on a jet ski for a burst of adrenaline. You might not think it’s a significant issue, that is until the marine patrol pulls you over. Suddenly, you find yourself questioning if those couple of beers could lead to a DUI arrest. Keep reading to learn what to do in this scenario.

If you are facing charges, contact a Los Angeles County DUI lawyer by calling Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation.

Navigating BUI or OUI Charges

Indeed, getting charged with DUI while driving a jet ski is a real possibility. However, this situation typically falls under BUI (boating under the influence) or OUI (operating under the influence). It’s an unfortunate turn of events when you’re merely aiming for a fun day on a jet ski.

How an OUI Stop Happens on a Jet Ski

If marine law enforcement flags you down or you encounter an OUI checkpoint, they may start interrogating and request you to undergo a breath or blood test. This test is to establish your blood alcohol levels. If you’re found to have a blood alcohol level exceeding .08% or if you appear under the influence of drugs, you’ll face an OUI charge.

Understanding California’s OUI Penalties

California law views OUI and DUI as similar offenses, and the penalties upon conviction can be severe. Consequences may include jail time, substantial fines, obligatory DUI class attendance, and other potential repercussions. If you find yourself arrested for an OUI, it’s vital to act promptly to avoid a conviction.

Seeking Legal Assistance with OUI Charges

When faced with an OUI arrest, don’t hesitate to contact a top Los Angeles County DUI lawyer, like the team at Chambers Law Firm, for prompt assistance. With multiple locations across Southern California, there’s a convenient office near you.

Holding on to Hope

There could be numerous viable defenses for your specific case. During your complimentary initial appointment, our attorneys will scrutinize the details of your case and begin crafting a strong defense. Ideally, your case will be dismissed, and you’ll be released from the charges. If dismissal isn’t possible, we will ardently strive to ensure you don’t face the maximum penalties.

Scheduling an appointment is simple. Just call 714-760-4088 and let us help you.

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