Can You Get Charged with a DUI of Drugs for Using Spice or Other Drugs?

If you drive while impaired, you could be charged with a DUI of Drugs.

Can You Get Charged with a DUI of Drugs for Using Spice or Other Drugs?Marijuana is legal for medical and recreational purposes in California, but that has not stopped Californians from experimenting with other types of drugs. From bath salts to synthetic marijuana (often called Spice or K2), young people seem particularly vulnerable to the trend of trying the latest craze to get high. Yet driving under the influence of this drug can lead to a DUI charge — what is known as a DUID, or DUI of Drugs charge.

In California, a prosecutor can charge a person with a DUI of Drugs if he or she can prove that the person:

  1. You drove a car, truck or other vehicle;
  2. You were under the influence of drugs (and/or alcohol) while driving; and
  3. The drugs impaired your physical or mental abilities to an extent that you could not drive in a way that an ordinarily cautious sober person would drive.

Significantly, the prosecutor does not have to prove that the drugs were illegal, that the defendant was abusing the drugs, or even that the defendant consumed a certain quantity of the drugs. All that the prosecutor has to show is that the drugs were in the defendant’s system and his or her driving was impaired as a result.

Spice, or synthetic marijuana, is a controlled substance and is considered an illegal drug under both federal and state law. It is made from a variety of chemicals, which is sprayed onto dried, shredded plant materials. It is much cheaper than actual marijuana, which is what makes it attractive to many young people. But because users don’t know exactly what is in it, the reactions to it can vary wildly. That makes it particularly dangerous, especially for anyone who is planning to get behind the wheel of a car after consuming Spice. It can produce a variety of symptoms, from chest pain to paranoia to hallucinations to vomiting to extreme anxiety to heart attack to confusion to kidney failure. As one might imagine, any one of these symptoms that occurred while a person was driving could lead to an accident — and could definitely cause impairment.

Driving under the influence of any drug can be incredibly dangerous. The potential for harm is only increased when the drug in question is one like synthetic marijuana, where you have no idea what is actually in the drug — and how it will affect your body. If you are caught driving after smoking or otherwise ingesting Spice, K2 or another form of synthetic marijuana, you will likely be facing a DUID charge.

At the Chambers Law Firm, we represent people who have been charged with DUI of Drugs and all other types of DUIs. We work hand in hand with our clients to help them get the best possible results for their cases. Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or to schedule a free initial consultation.

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