Can You Really Fool a Breathalyzer Test?

These myths won’t help you get around a breathalyzer test.

Can You Really Fool a Breathalyzer Test?It is understandable that if you’re driving after having a few drinks, you may panic at the sight of lights flashing behind you.  If you’re pulled over after having one or more alcoholic beverages, it is tempting to fall back on things that you may have heard about how you can “beat” a breathalyzer test.  But in reality, many of these tricks won’t help at all — and may actually backfire.

Before going any further, it is critical to know that unless you are under the age of 21 or currently on DUI probation, you do not have to take a roadside breathalyzer test.  Yes, you will have to take a chemical breath or blood test after you have been arrested.  But prior to your arrest — such as when you are sitting in your car at the side of the road — you are absolutely within your rights to refuse to take a breathalyzer test.  In fact, most DUI lawyers in Riverside, CA would recommend taking such an action.  So as long as you are not under the age of 21 or on DUI probation, forget about all of the old wives’ tales to fool a breathalyzer test — and focus on your right to refuse to take a pre-arrest breathalyzer.

Now, to address the common ways that people claim that you can fool a breathalyzer test: they don’t work.  Sucking on a penny (or any coins) won’t lower your blood alcohol content (BAC).  Same thing goes for holding a 9 volt battery to your tongue — other than the fact that it’s unlikely that you’ll have spare batteries lying around to use if you’re pulled over for a DUI, this trick simply does not work.  Attempting to mask the odor of alcohol on your breath with mint, gum, breath spray or mouthwash could help to make your breath smell less like alcohol — but they may also increase your BAC reading!  Drinking coffee, eating food or chugging water also won’t fool a breathalyzer.  The only thing that can sober you up is time — and no matter how much water you drink or food you eat before a breathalyzer, it won’t produce a lower reading. Holding your breath or burping into the breathalyzer will also backfire on you; either one will be more likely to cause your BAC reading to rise!

In short, there is nothing that you can do to trick a breathalyzer test — and you don’t have to even try to fool it, because most people are not required to take one! If you are older than 21 and are not on DUI probation, don’t scramble for mouthwash or pennies; just tell the officer that you are not consenting to take a breathalyzer test.  It’s as simple as that.

If you have been charged with a DUI, you will need a smart DUI lawyer.  In Riverside, CA, the Chambers Law Firm can help defend you against unjust DUI charges.  Whether your breath test reveals a false positive or the police violated your rights in some way, we will explore every avenue for defending you and having the charges reduced or dismissed.  Contact our office today at 714-760-4088 or to schedule a free initial consultation.

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