Check Out Our DUI Calculator

Check Out Our DUI CalculatorWant to avoid getting arrested for DUI? One the best ways you can avoid it is by using our DUI calculator. You can calculate an estimate of your blood alcohol level based on the kinds and amounts of drinks you’ve had, your weight, gender, and the time it took you to consume your drinks (drinking duration). Then simply click “Calculate my blood alcohol level” and it will tell you about how high your blood alcohol level (BAC) is. If you live in California, the legal BAC is .08%, and if you drive with a blood alcohol level about .15% this may be considered an aggravating factor in your case, and harsher penalties will apply if you’re convicted.

Self-evaluation is key

This is a great benchmark tool to roughly estimate your BAC levels at any given time, but make sure that self-evaluate how you feel before getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. Even if your BAC level is below .08%, depending on various psychological, emotional, and physical factors, you may not be able to drive as safely as a sober person could. Trust your instincts when it comes to deciding whether to drive yourself home or call an Uber. You may have to shell out some extra cash, but it’s definitely worth it compared to the risk of racking up costly fines and dealing with other intense consequences of a DUI.

DUI for drugs

The DUI calculator can’t determine whether you could be arrested after taking certain prescription and non-prescription medications, which affect certain people in a way that impairs their driving. Talk with your doctor about any side effects of your medication and make sure your reaction time and other key driving abilities are intact before attempting to drive your car.

What if I get a DUI anyway?

Lots of people don’t realize that even with the best of intentions, it’s possible to get arrested for DUI. If that happens to you – try to stay calm. At your earliest opportunity, contact a DUI defense attorney. The best choice in Southern California is Attorney Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm. His solid track record has built him a stellar reputation for DUI defense services for decades.

Anyone who’s been arrested for DUI in Southern California is welcome to schedule a free consultation with Attorney Chambers by calling 714-760-4088, emailing, or using the chat box below. Let Attorney Chambers start building your defense strategy today – contact the Chambers Law Firm now.

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