Consequences of Incomplete DUI School: A Crucial Guide by an Irvine DUI Lawyer

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A guilty plea or conviction for driving under the influence (DUI) in California can lead to a range of penalties. These could include jail time, significant fines and charges, community service, suspension of your driver’s license, and mandatory alcohol education classes. Keep reading to find out what happens if you do not complete mandatory classes and get help from an Irvine DUI lawyer by calling Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088.

The Burden of Alcohol Education Classes

Many individuals find these alcohol education classes—which aim to educate about the impact of alcohol on driving ability, the immediate and long-term consequences of a DUI, and strategies to prevent drunk driving—cumbersome. Depending on your sentence, these DUI classes could last up to 30 months and could be expensive, with costs ranging from $270 to $3,000. So, what transpires if you fail to complete DUI school?

As explained by a seasoned Irvine DUI lawyer, attending these alcohol education classes is a typical part of many DUI probation terms. The number of classes you are obligated to take depends on whether it’s your first DUI offense or if you’ve had multiple convictions within the past decade—known as the “lookback” period. Here are the five potential DUI programs you might be ordered to attend:

  • 12-hour program: Commonly imposed for a first-time “wet reckless” conviction
  • 3-month program: Typically ordered for a first-time DUI
  • 9-month program: Often enforced for a first-time DUI with an exceptionally high blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or for a wet reckless conviction with a prior DUI or wet reckless conviction
  • 18-month program: Ordered for a second DUI offense
  • 30-month program: Commonly applied for a second DUI with a high BAC, or for third DUIs where the individual has already completed the 18-month program.

The Importance of Completing DUI School

These programs are typically mandated as an alternative sentencing measure. Essentially, a judge might order you to attend alcohol education classes instead of serving jail time. Complying with the terms of DUI probation, which often include attending class, is vital to avoid imprisonment. If you violate these conditions—such as by missing class—the court may rule you in violation of your probation, which could lead to a jail sentence.

There might be circumstances where you’re unable to attend a certain class, such as due to illness or emergencies. These missed classes will likely need to be made up, and you should confirm with the program regarding any allowance for missed classes. Failing to complete your alcohol education classes might result in expulsion from the program, probation violation, and subsequent jail time. This underlines the importance of understanding your DUI probation terms and conditions. An Irvine DUI lawyer can assist you with this, addressing any questions you might have about your responsibilities.

Need Help with a DUI Charge? Talk to an Irvine DUI Lawyer

If you are facing a DUI charge, Chambers Law Firm is here to help. Reach out to us today at 714-760-4088 or via email to schedule a free initial consultation with our team. As an experienced Irvine DUI lawyer, we are ready to provide the legal support you need.

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